
New Member
hello everyone , my name is ady , 44 and living life as it should be done :) i have just purchased a 1999 discovery td5 GS , 125,000 miles , 1 lady owner and hammond land rover full service history from day one , with everything and anything logged . it drives extremely well , is very quiet and doesn`t look too bad to be honest . this is gonna be a play toy ( ain`t i lucky ) look forward to speaking to some of you all soon , thanks for a superb site , ady
thanks everyone :) pick her up tomorrow , sundays forecast is terrible , so thats a great excuse to go out n find some mud :)
well , i picked her up and filled her up with shell , now 50 miles later , the water in diesel light flashes on and off , intermittently , sooo , i`ll have a look at the connections and see if i can spot anything , the haynes manual says to flush out the filter and purge the system , the disco has been stood for a few weeks on a empty tank , so can i assume that condensation or the fact its had a major jet wash , that this has happened . part from that , shes brilliant , am i heading the correct way please
unscrew the sensor or bottom of filter and drain any water out ,it will be sat on bottom of filter if any
lightening fast reply , thank you , will i have to purge the system once i`ve done that , the 5 pedal pushes on ignition turn on ? please
all done :) they was water in there , so flushed and cleaned the plug in connection which was also full of water . now the wife has spotted a squeaky clutch pedal , once it warms up inside the disco , the squeak , squeaks , i have spotted the plastic bushes and that appears to be coming from there , but too many motorcycle accidents means if it annoys i`ll take it somewhere to get the bushes greased up , this site has sooo much info

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