
New Member
I want to put my Apline Stereo into my disco, bought the relevant leads that fit the Alpine with ISO connectors on the other side. Just wondering is it as easy as unplug and plug back in??

Thanks James
yes, and no

getting it working is easy put getting it to go far back enough into the headunit slot isnt, most of the people i know the headunits hand an inch out of the front
It is possible, I have just done mine but couldnt find anyone supplying the relevant adaptor cable so just rewired using an old stereo fitting from a previous install. With all the extra cable I found that you need to persuade the new wiring through the back as there is not enough room but with a little patience and gentle persuasion it will fit properly.
tell me about it all i changed was the head unit no amps no boot changer and it was a complete nightmare to get it to fit back in the hole :)
Ah, the changing of the headunit, such a pain in the ass to put the unit back far enough. I've just changed my Pioneer headunit for a Sony MEX-BT5700u and have devised a neat little way of making sure the headunit goes back far enough.
The wires and plug block tend to sit in the way no matter how hard you try so you either have to force the headunit in, or leave it hanging out, what i did is wrap a length of string to the wires and run the string down the left toward the glovebox, with the glovebox tipped forward you can reach in and pull the string gently as you push the headunit in, giving all the clearance you need for it to locate until you hear that satisfying "click" and it's locked into place :D

Mine had alot of wiring as I run 2 subwoofers and 3 amps but you shouldn't have that much of an issue.

The ariel cable is a black one, looks like a phono (RCA) cable sort of with the half inch solid prong stuck out on it, it's like this:

Thanks everyone for your help finally got it sorted,had to nip to Maplin for an aerial adapter and would you believe it ISO lead at 10quid instead of halfords 29.99

Cheers james

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