
New Member
HI everyone,

I am hoping someone reading this who may work for Land Rover at a dealership will be able to help me trace all of, or most of my new Discovery's service history. The vehicle I purchased a few weeks ago came without the service portfolio. The dealer said "he couldnt find it", so I am assuming it doesnt exist! The vehicle is a 2001 V8 ES. It seems (possibly) to have originally been sold in Kent.

I know if I write to Land Rover UK I will probably get the usual bollocks of Data Protection Act etc etc...Or its Proprietory Information etc etc Blah Blah Blah!!

Could someone PM me if they can glean any info from Land Rover for me if I supply reg and chassis number. Theres a good drink in it for any person that can help. Im not asking for every invoice (all though that would be great) all I need is the service history so I can get a main dealer to make up a book.

Should have kept your money in your pocket till they found it if it's that important to you. The condition it's in now is way more relevant than any dealer service history as half of it will have been charged for but not actually done.
Should have kept your money in your pocket till they found it if it's that important to you. The condition it's in now is way more relevant than any dealer service history as half of it will have been charged for but not actually done.

Whilst I completely agree with that, I think many, many people set a lot of store by the paper trail. OK, they probably know little about Landrovers, but it can be worth a fair bit on the sell-on price ... if you're selling to 'normal' car owners, and care about residuals!

Is it worth asking at a LR dealership to look into their system. I did it with an old Volvo as all Volvo dealerships log servicing onto a central database but dont know if other dealers do the same.

It only came as a printout of what work was done and when but its a start.
AInt ya got the stamps then?
Got bigger pics of models drapped over motas, ya avatar one is too small!!

Hi, yes I have now managed to track down the original dealer and after a lengthy chat, I have managed to arrange a duplicate service history book to be sent to me ! Result !

As for my avatar, I have many pics of my girl draped over my Jag. :D
Hi, yes I have now managed to track down the original dealer and after a lengthy chat, I have managed to arrange a duplicate service history book to be sent to me ! Result !

As for my avatar, I have many pics of my girl draped over my Jag. :D

That's funny it says ya single in ya profile. :rolleyes:
Well in that case, she'll not mind you posting some of your better piccies on ere then! :cool::D

Probably not, but we are drifting somewhat off topic here arent we...:D

But just to keep you all happy, a piccie of her draped over my other Jag.


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