
Hi all
Just wanted some advice on installing this cage


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What advice do you want...have you bought it?...
post in disco forum...thats where you ask questions...
Just wondering what the process would be in fitting a cage like that like how would you keep the bulk head and so on the suplerer isnt very helpfull in telling me about it
Read what it says at top of the thread youv'e posted in...

He's attached photos from a supplier. Some of these you can use your body work others you need to make a new motor. If you know the supplier you can normally tell.

This looks a full space frame kit.
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He's attached photos from a supplier. Some of these you can use your body work others you need to make a new motor. If you know the supplier you can normally tell.

This looks a full space frame kit.

How many more times do I have to say it...this is not for questions and's for your project with updates...a picture of a cage is not a project...
How many more times do I have to say it...this is not for questions and's for your project with updates...a picture of a cage is not a project...
Awryt calm down hahaha I'm new to the site i don't know how to use it yet

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