
New Member
Hi, I've managed to have ever such a little accident in my disco, and it's currently awaiting repair. I say awaiting as the garage are struggling to find a replacement for my soft bull bar.

Like the bottom one of these two:


It seems looking on here and through Google that they're hard to find!! I don't want a tubular metal one, but even just the soft A frame nudge only (without light wrap around) is like rocking horse **** to find!

Any ideas?
Cheers, I actually used your post on there for most of my investigations!

Problem is the only second hand one I can find I can't have for about 3 weeks (on ebay auction atm).

Ideally I need to find a patten part, as I need to buy one ASAP (and so keep my hire car!)

Didn't know if anyone knew of anywhere selling patten parts or had a second hand one kicking about, or just knew of a decent alternative!
I see what u mean they are hard to find, there's a patten one for a D1 on eBay at the moment and ends on Wednesday 2 3 2011 Item number: 120690050779.
Discool - Cheers, that wouldn't be bad actually, but I've just (before reading ur msg on the thread :mad: ) confirmed with the repair centre that I'll go for a chrome bull bar that they found.

Smurphy - I've just had an email back from them, sadly they no longer stock them!

Hope the chrome bar looks alright! :-/ If not I'll buy a soft one from ebay sometime.

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