
New Member

I have owned a few series Land Rovers over the past 20 years but have recently bought a 300tdi discovery.

Whilst driving there is a very strong smell of fumes in the cab and the vehicle seems very underpowered. I have checked exhaust for obvious leaks and can find nothig. There does however appear to be alot of soot deposits round exhaust manifold but no obvious fumes. could a leak here cause loss of power?

Also when coasting downhill with foot off accelerator and vehicle in gear it produces massive clouds of white smoke. nothing when accelerating or driving tho. Vehicle does not appear to be losing oil or water excessively. I have checked for back pressure at oil filler and dipstick and all good.

Any help would be much appreciated

Thanks Tim
It would be worth taking the exhaust manifold off to check the studs .. mine 'lost' the stud nearest the bulkhead, with soot deposits, and a tapping sound when running .. can't recall if there was any smoke though .. ;)
No too bad. It's also worth taking the intake system off at the same time and checking for gunk in the hoses to the intercooler ...
Is it worth replacing the studs while i am about it? I need to have everything to hand before i start as I have no other transport
Only if they're missing or broken .. Use studlock on the block threads and copper grease (copaslip) on the manifold threads. Might be worth getting a spare nut too, it could easily be just a missing nut ..
Thanks for your help Paul.

I have made some further enquiries and smoke seems to be down to problem with injectors so will take them out and get them tested:confused:
The manifold is in three pieces so you may also want to check how they go together and use a high temp exhaust sealant where they slip together.

Your smoke on the overrun may be due to slight late injection timing. Try advancing it a smidgen (20 thou or 0.5 mm at the three pulley flange bolts). It might make a big difference to the power and smoke.

Is it worth replacing the studs while i am about it? I need to have everything to hand before i start as I have no other transport

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