
New Member
hi ive had a few discovery,s but i dont no why the the steering seems very light and to responsive when going 40+ checked all steering joints and bushes & there are no leaks , but it seems to wander could it be the dampner?:(
psssst as its your first post you better quickly get on the introduce yourself fred or face the wrath !!
No, you can try and deny it, but we all know the truth, you is a sweaty too so you must have Ginga hair and orange bollox!
I'm biting Big Ginger Bollox tonight........errrrr..... sorry...........Dr Weevil :pound::fencing:

My bollocks are none of your business :p whatever you lot do in Poland can stay there :eek:

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hi chaps sorry about that new to this i am Mark had a lot of disco s and rangerovers over the yrs and for some reason my last few have been crap so can any 1 help please

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