
New Member
Hi guys don't know if you remember me from last year, i bought a lr d3 tdv6s,(after a lot of thought and speculation) here we are 13 months later, i had problems a lot of recalls up to 6 months or so into my new car, my local dealer told me that there should be no more problem's, and guess what ! They were right, they finally sorted out my software problem(touch wood) with the suspension fault that keep rear its ugly head, only problem i have now is its black and a cow to keep clean :D, i have added a few bits you now side steps,mud flaps,o and i have bought a silver front grille, which i think looks pretty cool (black car silver grille) it looks ok with the colour coded grille but i thought too much black, anyway just to let you guys know if you are thinking about, a new disco i still love mine i think its ace, and it drives every bit as nice as a range rover, and they are cheaper to buy, anyway iam off now take care all, happy new year to one and all.

Your dealer was brave in telling you you'll have no more problems. Disco 3 is a great vehicle but for a 4x4, land rover didn't waterproof the wiring very well and put connectors in stupid places, like up in the wheel arches, Thats where most of the problems lie, corroded connections.
Thanks for your reply clutchdust, i know what you mean about my local dealer being brave, but all i have to say is its still working:D , which if you knew the amount of hassle i have had, i had to think at one stage if it was my car or there's, i think the bit where i said you sort this car or i want another may have swayed them slightly, the upside was i also said i want a car same level as mine, when i got there the girl on reception said did i want a lift anywhere:mad: of which i said NO, i want a discovery, she said whoops we have non in, so i said (hee hee) tuff give me my keys back, so she says hang on a min and gave she me the keys to brand new range rover sport:eek: do you need someone to show the controls she says, NO says i, iam not stupid, byeee, i think i was impressed with the top of the range disco, the sport was cramped and a hard ride, i had it for 2 days and to truthful ! i was glad to get my own car back. anyway sorry for going on clutchdust catch you later. bigcol. (colin)
I can well imagine the hassle you've had and if it makes you feel better, you're not alone! The problem we have (I'm a technician at a lr dealer) is that with all these new vehicles coming out, i.e disco 3 RR sport and freelander 2 with all these electronic gizmos on 'em, they are such a massive leap in technology from previous models that we can't keep up. LR tech support sometimes don't know what the problem is so how are we supposed to fix them if they don't have the information to give us? It's a bloody nightmare sometimes and I do sympathise with you and others that share the same frustration. Getting hold of parts is a nightmare as the suppliers can't keep up with demand from dealers and still have to supply parts to the factory, can you believe that a fuel filter for a 2007 RR sport is on back order?

The other problem we have is that, say 90% of the faults we have come in are intermittant and the vehicle will never play up once we've got it, give it back to the customer and it plays up. Happens all the bloody time.

Normally, if you really put your foot down with a dealer, they will give you what you want, especially if you've made a repeat visit for the same fault. Demanding your money back normally does it cos thats big hassle for the salesman, more so if its an oddball spec like an orange range rover with red cloth interior, they'll never sell it again!!
Well Bigcol.

You have kind of given me a little hope that one day my local main dealer will rid my series 3 Disco of all its gremlins !!!!!

Ive had this motorised bag of crap for 3 months now and to be honest i aint keeping it another 3 !!!!!

If i dont call into my dealers at least twice a week they ring me !!!!!

So its going back after many heated encounters, im just glad im a lawyer !!!!!:D
Hello there retsgom, iam very sorry to hear about your BIG problem's, i would like to know what's gone wrong with your car, i think just do like i did give me another car like mine sort it or give me another, that work for me, but i must say i WANTED my car, i don't mean that in a way to sound rude to you, but i really do love the car, even more when me and my wife went on the free offroad day, up at conniston, mywife really loved it, and i think when you see what your car can do, wow:eek:,please keep me posted,on what happen's, tell me what model is your's and what do you think of the ride.
thank's bigcol

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