Hi All
Hope you’re all well and safe at this time.
Have a little issue this my 2004 Discovery 2 TD5
Yesterday I started it up as normal but as soon as I tried driving away it cut out. Started up again with no issue but again stopped as soon as I tried to drive away. When you have it in gear and put your foot on the throttle to move off it cuts out. Luckily this happened out side the driveway so just started up again and put in reverse, with loads of throttle to move couple of feet then stopped. Kept doing this until I get back into the yard.
Thought it was the fuel pump but can hear it working away before you start and it purged itself okay when I tried.
Any ideas please would be much appreciated.
Guessing here. Have you changed the fuel filter recently? Any leaks from the FPR? Throttle potentiometer could also be playing up.
As above, also heard of similar problems when you dont have enough fuel delivery at the head, if possible try to check the fuel pressure at the pressure regulator on the head.
My experience of the throttle potentiometer failing didn't cause the engine to cut out, just not rev. I also learnt how long it takes to drive from Worcester to Bromsgrove on tickover... GRRRRR!
Bought injector seals and washers for the job this weekend, also got the hold of a fuel pump to see if that works but not convinced it’s either of them. Every day it starts first time without a problem. Going to try and take it for a drive this evening to see. Would oil in the loom cause this? Don’t want to change injector seals and washer and fit a fuel pump unless that’s the cause, don’t have time, have a defender that need a power steering box fitted that more important as driving it at the moment to and from work.
Going o try that tonight all being well. Got a call out and didn’t get home to late yesterday. Will let you know how it goes.
Another question until I get sorted.
What is the best Land Rover scan tool that will cover all Land Rovers please.
Would software on a PC be better and cheaper?
Was looking one that would cover air suspension too, as had to go to dealer to calibrate the Discovery 2 after I changed the height sensors.
Tested the fuel pump last night and all looking good. Went a test drive and everything was okay until the next time. Would like to get it sorted instead of waiting until it happens again somewhere away from home
Thank I think I will, not buy one.
As long as the Foxwell covers the air suspension calibration and the wife’s discovery sport an happy paying less. Just didn’t think you could get one so cheap, that’s great, will save me the money so I can spend it on other Landy repairs

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