As far as I am aware these forums are here to help people and people can swap info etc etc, if I manage to solve my problems I would of course post my results on here as I'm sure it will help other people in the same boat. However as you all just seem to be rude and offensive I can only conclude that you have no idea what the fault is. It would be much easier just to say so rather than being obnoxious.

chill its the forum self regulating loads of help on her but treat it with RESPECT and you get RESPECT back just jump in and you will get abused:D Stick around and you will find out
As far as I am aware these forums are here to help people and people can swap info etc etc, if I manage to solve my problems I would of course post my results on here as I'm sure it will help other people in the same boat. However as you all just seem to be rude and offensive I can only conclude that you have no idea what the fault is. It would be much easier just to say so rather than being obnoxious.

We don't care about wether you fix it or not :doh: thats not what we're on about when we say contributing.

Oh and I've got a fairly good idea as to whats wrong…….
As far as I am aware these forums are here to help people and people can swap info etc etc, if I manage to solve my problems I would of course post my results on here as I'm sure it will help other people in the same boat. However as you all just seem to be rude and offensive I can only conclude that you have no idea what the fault is. It would be much easier just to say so rather than being obnoxious.

yes you are quite right everybody here is clueless, best get yourself off to LRO or Difflock et al, much better for you, Im sure:rolleyes:
yawn, oil in injector harness, injector washers failing are common issues along with others
you have a lot to learn newb:rolleyes:

I've not started being rude……..pop into anything goes if you think you can cope.

bring it on you big puff, im not scared of you:p

ignore em . some people seem to get a kick out of dishing out stick(some of it deserved though ) It can be funny to watch as they spit there dummy out when it dont go there way though.:D

I will have you know my dummy is firmly clamped and ready for action:hijacked:

Its on like donkey kong :p

Dinkey by name Dinky by nature, or so i have heard Doc:rolleyes:

FFS :doh: too slow on the edit button

you snooze you lose, just ask Pikey

As far as I am aware these forums are here to help people and people can swap info etc etc, if I manage to solve my problems I would of course post my results on here as I'm sure it will help other people in the same boat. However as you all just seem to be rude and offensive I can only conclude that you have no idea what the fault is. It would be much easier just to say so rather than being obnoxious.

yes you are quite right everybody here is clueless, best get yourself off to LRO or Difflock et al, much better for you, Im sure:rolleyes:

They said sorry FFS.......Don't push it

Who said sorry??? we dont do that round these 'ere parts, you must be one of them sandal wearers, Hmmm do i detect long hair also???? bloody tree huggers

If you ask the wife , I am always guilty of everything, now back to this apology, it doesnt count coz i didnt see it, so nar nar naa nar nar:p

you have my condolences ;);)

very little kicking off, mucho sh1t stirring and antagonising, but very little if any kicking off:p

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