
Hi everyone I seem to be struggling on what would be the best brake discs to use on my 2004 discovery a lot of people say don't touch britpart use lockheed or mintex. I was wondering on what every ones views are on it and other available items such as the terrafirma cdg discs. Many thanks matt
From what I've read I wouldn't be happy using Britpart for anything safety related:eek::eek:, so they're definitely out, apart from that I can't really help, I'd have a search, you'll soon get an idea what peeps views are ;);););)
you say that ive fitted hundreds to my own as well,and other makes ,never had a problem they worked and lasted well ,fitted no different than genuine,i can only speak from my experience ,there is stuff they sell i wouldnt use but they do genuine or oe and ebc which i would fit if you want to upgrade
I put cheap discs on mine with Mintex pads, and they,ve been fine.
Got the lot from Mailorder 4x4.

**** mintex every set ive ev er fitted to my own or customers land rovers have squeeled especially when fitted to the back always fit delpi pads myself as they are the orignal land rover supplier
Well I done sum research as suggested I found that lockheed and delphi pads and discs are suppose to be good but nothing on the terrafirma cdg discs so might not upgrade it seems to be an unsettled debate all over the net on brake pads and discs ..

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