If I'm wrong about whether it compresses or extends then jacking the other side up should do it.
It is p!ssing down here at the mo otherwise I'd get under to look at the linkages to try and see which way it works.
Thinking about how ACE works, it extends the long arm when it thinks you need to shove that end of the anti-roll bar down to compensate for roll to the right, if it can be fooled into thinking there is roll to the left, it would do the opposite so how about jacking the car up on the right so it rolls a bit to the left, with the engine running, it would sense this and pull the actuator back, wouldn't it?
Just trying to think out of the box!!!
Thats good thinking i will give that a go and see if it decides to move at all
Yeah i gave that a go last night also in low range (i have seen some say it turns the system off in low range) but no luck with that either, i hasn't turned the car on since last night and im under it now, and there is a bit more play in the ACE arm (the most play i have been able to get so far) still not enough though
try the same and a jack and keep axle level,
Okay got the ACE arm back up enough to fit the new part! Jacking the body up worked a treat. Now just to get the old rusty bolts out
So glad you managed it!
Didn't think to say, "Jack the body up". Good thing James did, well by saying "keep the axle level".:):):)

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