
Hello and I was wondering if any one out here has advice or has encountered similar problems. I have searched the forums and I could only find three threads and the issues were all solved by the methods mentioned I am not that lucky.

The boot door on my disco won't open so I took the door card to have a look and the little pin has broken off the lock so when you pull the levers nothing happens because it's not connected to the lock. :frown:
I have the new lock but I can not open the boot to fit it nothing I have tried works as I can't get it to un lock I tried the removal of the land rover badge didn't work I tried pulling the levers with pliers didn't work tried lifting the catch as the same time pulling the handle all of things that the searches I have done on here have suggested I'm at my wits end and before I just angle bring the door I was wondering if there is a trick or a nack I'm missing any help would be great

Thanks :violin:
Yep I have didn't work I'm really stuck when I looked at the lock the bottom pin has sheared off and the door was locked when it happened so no matter what I do and have done I can not get it to un do :(
Just trying that now is it me or is the toughest bit of a landy lol
I can't believe it's still locked the boot is now all bent and out of shape and it's still locked
only other way is to unbolt the lock from the door itself and then open it that way then fit the new lock

if not you're looking at repairing the lock with the correct pin which really would have been the easiest :p

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