Well wernt you lucky this 1 cost me 60 and i never used it they are 160 new and this 1 is as good as so no i dont think its to strong at all where did you get yours from for 30?

Touchy Touchy, I got mine from a member on here,I popped over and picked it up, had a brew and set the worlds to rights for a while and left 30 quid lighter and happy man with an as new dog guard, the drive home was a bit of a killer though, took me about 29 hours:(
Cause u no tek my interhest in dog gard seerius.

I am serious, I dont even have a dog i only bought mine coz it looks preety, if you want it you can have it for 40 quids, its a good deal........PAh spamming cnut i hope your waterjet thingy mabob squirts you in the eye:your_wrong:

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