
New Member

Can anyone help me with the fuel gauge on my 1993 Discovery V8? its been a bit tempremental since i got it as when you went round a corner it would move about a quarter on the needle downwards so would go fom half to nearly empty and put the light on, it would settle after driving in a straight line for a while. anyway i filled it to the brim a few weeks ago and it only went to 3/4 of a tank, used this fuel and it was on the fuel light so i put 60 quid in today and it hasn't moved off empty all day and i've done 130 miles it went up a tiny bit at one point but then went back to under empty with the light on, can anyone give me any advice on what to check as it doesn't fill me with confidence not knowing what i've got in :confused:

Thanks in advance
It's in the fuel tank. From Rave for your model:

1. Depressurise fuel system.
2. Disconnect battery negative lead.
3. Syphon at least 9 litres (2 gallons) of fuel from
fuel tank into a suitable container that can be
4. Remove carpet from loadspace floor and
5. Fold back loadspace sound insulation to reveal
access panel.
6. Remove access panel from floor.
7. Disconnect multi-plug from fuel sender unit.
8. Disconnect two fuel line unions from fuel pump.
9. Using service tool no. LRT-19-001, remove
pump unit retaining ring. Withdraw unit from fuel

I've removed and replaced several internal tank fuel pumps and assemblies in vehicles other than my Landy (it's one thing that hasn't broken yet. Maybe know I'm jinxed) so I don't know if the the special tool is really required, or if you can bodge it some how. Maybe somebody who knows will chime in.

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