Lots of differences but if you look at the front indicators where they go round into the front wings, on the D1 they slope downwards and on the D2 they are square.
doors handles are different too :)

D1 has big rectangle Morris Marina type jobbies, D2 has slimmer sticky out doors handles

lots of other differences as already said
The thing that always hits me first and I think really stands out is the rear Alpine roof lights.
On the 200/300,s its in a seal, and on the D2 its bonded in. ( flush, as UP says ).

take away all the electronics, the build quality, the headlights and tail lights, the bigger body the forwardfacing 3rd row of rear seats then add bits from the Meastro van and the Marina and you have changed the Td5 into a 300tdi. it is really a totally different 4x4 all except for the tail door. both are damn good but they also both have there faults.
I had a 99 Series 2, with 4.0L, hell of a machine, I will probably never have another vehicle I like as much, it had it's fault's leaky roof causing the sunroof's to not work due to water running into the switches, and of course her first for unleaded, now she's gone I miss her very much. Would I have another, bloody right I would.

Andy. :)

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