I decided to try replace the brake pads on my cars but failed to get the wheels off. Some of the lug nut covers had expanded and I couldn't fit on the 27mm socket. My set doesn't have a 28mm so I was stuck. I've tried search online for some replacement nuts which don't have covers but they only ones I found are 60 degree taper and says it this are compatible with original alu rims? Any other sources?

It’s not that they have covers exactly. Just the design. A deep impact style socket will prevent future damage. To get them off you may need to hammer the socket on. And then probably need a vice and some elbow greese to extract the socket once removed from the vehicle.
I have a deep impact tyye socket and I tried hammering it on before. I've ordered a 28mm socket in the hope that will work.
Would be odd to need a 28mm socket to get them off. But maybe they are really bad.

A short correct size non impact style socket should hammer on on. But has likely been the cause of the problems in the first place.

Something this sort of style.
It's the Merkin name for our wheel nuts.
As has been said so many times before, "Two nations separated by a common language".

Lugworms however are not the Merkin name for earthworms which are a totally different species.

So do Merkins have lugs instead of wheels?

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