
Batery on my 2.5 P38 went flat overnight (don't know why yet!!) and the car was a long way from the house so couldn't connect charger. Took the battery off and charged overnight (battery almost new so no problem with it). Just been out to connect and can't turn the alarm off! Every time I go to connect and either turn the key or open a door, the thing goes off!

Does anyone have any idea what I can do? Last time I had something like this it cost me £150 to have it trailered to a dealer!

By the by, I live in the York region and have an EAS Kicker and a Synchmate (for the P38 diesel 2.5) so if anyone's stuck, let me know!

Thanks for any advice!!!
Someone didn't read the manual before disconnecting did they ? Put key in ignition, turn to position 2 and press unlock.
Cheers! You're right, I didn't - looked at it just now and still didn't understand. Thanks for the advice, will go and try it.
Nope, didn't work!!

However, looked around and found the following, which did work. Thought I'd record it here for anyone as daft as me!

Unlock car and open driver door.
reconnect battery and close bonnet.

Close driver door and lock car with key. Look through window and display should read "key code lockout". Wait thirty minutes and the message screen shound be blank.

With driver door closed and car locked enter the security code (as manual). At this point mine started. However, key wouldn't lock the door so I inserted key, turned it to the left for five seconds and pressed "lock" button at same time - then turned it left for five seconds and held "unlock" at same time. All working. Simples
well done and very sporting offer. :clap2: you don't need to hold for 5 secs though, just turning key while pressing button is enough. ;)

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