
New Member
Hi all, sorry if this is a daft question but, is the rear sun roof supposed to tilt and slide like the front one? Mine only tilts. :confused:

Ok thanks looks like mine has a prob then, anyone had this prob before, and how yo fix it?

Depends what's wrong, manual or elecric? track could be jamed, take the glass off and have a look, manual handle jamed, the drive cam wheel on the electric motor out of sync with the micro switch or faulty motor so remove and check..
Both the manual sunroofs on my TD5 only tilt upwards.
Are they supposed to slide backwards as well ?
I don't want to force anything.
To tilt press the button and turn one complete turn clockwise, to open press the button again and continue turning clockwise. This info is in your owners handbook
Thanks Discool, mine are electric ones so I guess i'll take the motor out and have a look, see where we go from there :)
Thanks Discool, mine are electric ones so I guess i'll take the motor out and have a look, see where we go from there :)

Have you kept your finger on the switch as even with electric the opening is in two parts.. touch the switch the glass tilts touch again or keep pressing and the glass slids back.

Many thanks for the reply.

I thought they worked like the old Ford ones that you have to turn the opposite way .


I don't have a manual.


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