not saying your wrong, but my insurance is fully aware of every little change on mine and they covering it without issues.
Your insurance might consider your policy void after an inspection that showed that it should have had an SVA and has not got one, it may well be insured but only until the paper trail runs out, buck stops with you Marc, I think you did a great job on your Disco tray back, but it does need to have an SVA due to the shortening of the back quarter of the chassis, all this does is make it nicely legal in the eyes of the law.

Regardless of how pompous and ridicule the rules may seem to us, they are there for our benefit, they are there to help us maintain safety in the eyes of modification.

Just think yourself lucky that you have an SVA mate, I don't have such luxury here, even lifting is against the rules :eek: imagine how it feels for me coming from free thinking and expressive England to Europes most communist country as far as motoring goes(think we are on par with France though :rolleyes:), how I would love to be back home and to be able to submit my V5 for an engine change, pop in for an SVA after radically altering the front and back of the Disco, sadly we can't change engines or any such thing as it goes out of CoC, you seem to fail to realize how lucky you are to have the facility to do such things, only moving back on the rock or further east of Poland would allow me to do the mods that I used to.

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