
New Member
Hi Folks Active cornering, amber warning light is on any ideas ?????. I dont use landy that much could that be why.
If the fluid is low, only use the genuine Land Rover refill @ about £12 @ Ltr !! Ordinary power steering fluids are not compatable.
You most probably have a leak somewhere as the fluid in the reservoir is low. You can use normal power steering/ auto transmission fluid but use one that meets Dextron 2 or 3 standards.
Look at the ACE valve block, which is situated on the underside of the vehicle under the drivers seat. You'll see four pipes going in from the engine side and two going out to the rear. Check that the pipes and valve block are clean and have no signs of hydraulic fluid leaking out, if there is oil around the outside of the block wipe it off and start the engine then look at the reservoir to make sure that the fluid is circulating inside, (if it's not then you will most likely need a new pump), then look at the valve block again and see which pipe is leaking as it enters or exits the block. If it's one of the four from the engine side that is leaking, particularly the lowest and furthest away from you then you will probably have the same problem as i described on the thread titled "lots of knowledge gained in the last year.
If there are no leaks obvious around the block then follow the route of the pipes as they go around the car. The pipes are put in place at the factory before most of the car is built, as such a replacement kit comes in the form of each pipe being in two parts and then a connector joins them together, if a pipe has been replaced on your car previously then it could be the connector that has failed.
The valve blocks rarely fail, my local landrover parts supplier has never sold one. Be careful before you start pulling any of the pipes about though,they can becaome brittle and break easily. Each replacement pipe costs in the region of £80 to £100.
You could also check the ACE valve block filter, this should be changed at regular service intervals and does a pretty good job of collecting any crap that's got inside the system. The system itself is very sensitive to any dirt and stuff generally not supposed to be in there, getting in normally via the reservoir.
Good luck
The correct fluid is Texaco 14315 Cold Climate Fluid, which is Land Rover Part # LRN-2261.

There is a filter in the ACE reservoir, but it is not replaceable, you have to change the whole reservoir.

I'd not recommend using a Dexron fluid in a Disco 2 ACE or PAS system.



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Have got a similar problem myself. I have got pleanty of fluid and it is circulating ok. Have got no leaks that i can see but on the way home from work the warning light came on when i was cornering. I switched it off and then on again to reset it and it came on again on the very next corner. When i got home i had a quick look around but nothing obvious. At one point the light came on whilst it was stationary on the driveway. It has always made a hissing/sneezing noise from the ace block every few seconds when stationary but i could not hear this today. Had another poke about and the hissing/sneezing noise started up again. I have no idea if this is normal or not. It has not put the warning light on since but i have not driven around and corners since it cleared up. Has anyone had this sort of problem and what are the likely causes? It has been good as gold up until this cold spell.
The correct fluid is Texaco 14315 Cold Climate Fluid, which is Land Rover Part # LRN-2261.

There is a filter in the ACE reservoir, but it is not replaceable, you have to change the whole reservoir.

I'd not recommend using a Dextron fluid in a Disco 2 ACE or PAS system.


Why wouldn't you use Dexron fluid in the ACE and PAS, my ACE system was flushed through several times over with Dexron 3 until i was able to stop the leak as I described. It's all run fine since for about 15,000 miles now.

Where in the reservoir is the filter ? I don't remember seeing one.
bottom of the bottle.
ACE is a highly sensitive system-personally stick to what it says on the tin...Ive just had a hefty repair on my pipes & block seals & I dont want it to go wrong cos I used the wrong fluid!!
Why wouldn't you use Dexron fluid in the ACE and PAS, my ACE system was flushed through several times over with Dexron 3 until i was able to stop the leak as I described. It's all run fine since for about 15,000 miles now.

Where in the reservoir is the filter ? I don't remember seeing one.

You pays your money and you makes your choice.

I wouldn't use Dexron in place of the proper fluid because that's the way I am. No point is adding to possible problems by not using what the manufacturer recommends, and I certainly wouldn't mix it with what is in there.

I use the correct OAT coolant as well, I'm funny like that with motors, I find they work better for me when I follow the maker's recommendations.

You wouldn't normally see the filter, it is buried in the bottom of the reservoir chamber, read the section from the manual that I posted earlier.

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You pays your money and you makes your choice.

I wouldn't use Dexron in place of the proper fluid because that's the way I am. No point is adding to possible problems by not using what the manufacturer recommends, and I certainly wouldn't mix it with what is in there.

I use the correct OAT coolant as well, I'm funny like that with motors, I find they work better for me when I follow the maker's recommendations.

You wouldn't normally see the filter, it is buried in the bottom of the reservoir chamber, read the section from the manual that I posted earlier.

nothing wrong with that its called piece of mind
You pays your money and you makes your choice.

I wouldn't use Dexron in place of the proper fluid because that's the way I am. No point is adding to possible problems by not using what the manufacturer recommends, and I certainly wouldn't mix it with what is in there.

I use the correct OAT coolant as well, I'm funny like that with motors, I find they work better for me when I follow the maker's recommendations.

You wouldn't normally see the filter, it is buried in the bottom of the reservoir chamber, read the section from the manual that I posted earlier.


If that gives you peace of mind and you've got the money there's no problem with that. Unfortunately for me I have a cynical mind and have already learned at my own expense that Land Rover like to take parts and commonly available service items, then place their name on them so they can charge 3 times the actual value.
As I have no plans to drive anywhere cold enough to require an oil that will operate in cold climate I'll take my chances with what Land rover mechanics have told me.

If that gives you peace of mind and you've got the money there's no problem with that. Unfortunately for me I have a cynical mind and have already learned at my own expense that Land Rover like to take parts and commonly available service items, then place their name on them so they can charge 3 times the actual value.
As I have no plans to drive anywhere cold enough to require an oil that will operate in cold climate I'll take my chances with what Land rover mechanics have told me.

It's your call, feel free to do what you will.

Land Rover are no different to any other motor manufacturer in that regard, and with so many LR parts available cheaper from 2nd tier suppliers like Paddocks and LRSeries, I don't think that it's too much to use the correct lubricants. You can buy the Texaco fluid from wholesalers and motor factors, you don't have to go to a LR dealer, which is why I posted the full spec for it.

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Just a correction to my earlier posts re the filter.

A replaceable filter does exist in the valve block, but as it's quite expensive it rarely gets changed.

The reservoir filter is not replaceable as already stated.


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