
New Member
hi all im in need of some help think im leaking oil from the turbo on my disco 2 td5 but not sure what it looks like the oil is coming from the front left hand corner just behind the radiator there is a big hose going over the top and when i took the engine cover off this hose goes into a long tube connected to the side of the engine, if you look down from the top there is something in the shape of 5 dots like on a dice and there is a big nut in the centre this is where i believe the oil is leaking from as it is soaked. Any ideas please this is my 1st landy and only had it 5 months dont want to kill it just yet haha
I've got a really great idea, put a post in the new members introduction section before the forum police jump all over you then repost or ask a mod to put this in the Disco section or TD5 section.

Welcome aboard, it's a great forum but there is a protocol to follow!!!

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