
New Member
Wondered when this cherry would come up on my to do list.
First noticed a drip from the winder handle until last week.....

Went camping and happened to have the car parked up hill and one night it poured.
Was just leaving the campsite feeling pleased with how great the car is and how is can take all the camping gear when the wife starts screaming...When i look over what can only be described as the force of a hose pipe, water is coming out of the passenger seatbelt point on the piller. I kid you not there must of been half a litres worth. She was absoultely soaked which thankfully saved the interior. I have to admit having previously read up on the forum about sunroofs I left for home thinking about what id get trade in against a defender.

With this amount of water and the location it came out, would you guys say try vasolining the seal or does it sound like a headlinign out job refix the outlet pipes? I have to say i havent had much in the way of drips except through the winder?


There are different issues to look at:

1) Glass seal rubber - easy job, no sealant, just fits into the groove, but fiddly until you get the hang of the way the seal lays in the groove.

2) Blocked drain pipes - headlining out job, everything is then exposed for repair.

I'm talking Disco 2 here, early ones and retro-fitted roofs may be different.

Firstly check that the rubber seal is OK and not twisted under the glass, then if that's OK go on to look at the other point.

I've not had any serious water leaks yet,, not through the roof anyway, but the rubber seal had come out and twisted and was causing the glass not to sit down properly.

There's a very good bit about doing the headlining on the web, do a search in Google or one of the other guys may come up with the url.

Having felt very smug to have checked for leak evidence when I bought mine 18 months ago, I too had the dreaded waterfall, only on the driver's side.

Bit the bullet last weekend and took out all the headlining and necessary trim - surprisingly easy and took only an hour and a half.

Found a previous bodge and two out of four drains leaking. If the pictures attach you will see what I mean. Design is rubbish, relying on mastic holding in stupid plastic boxes to the corners of the sunroof frame. Epoxy has, I hope, sorted it out. The plastic bits don't seem to appear on the LR parts list!

Useful links are Discovery Sunroof Guide

I can't believe that the drain tubes would block - they are quite big diameter.

If you ever wondered if you can power wash a headling to remove water stains, the answer is yes, but leave it flat for three days to dry out!


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I had leaks as well, took the headlining out , 3 out of 4 cups leaking and evidence of previous attempts to repair. Good dollop of mastic , thru jetwash all good. replaced headlining and had no more leaks through all the bad weather until a couple of weeks ago when i was loading the truck with the camping gear in the pouring rain , doors were opened and closed as i was loading etc and as I drove out of my road the wife copped it via the seatbelt. weird thing is though there have been no more leaks since even with the torrential rain we've had?? the truck is parked on the level usually. I think the design is cr%p , if you park with the nose uphill then the tray wil overflow before the water gets to the drain!!!!
it is a straightforward but time consuming job to take headlining out . The link below is really useful
good luck
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The plastic cups are not available from Land Rover, you have to buy the full steel tray! I took the lot out, had some laquer peeling on the roof so took sunroofs out, had it painted and refit everything with loads of sealant. The rear alpine lights were even weeping so they got a coat while the lining was out. It never dripped again until selling at and hope it hasn't sinse. Was well worth the time and effort. Would do it again if i had to just to be sure.
had a tube broke when i got my disco soon fixed that and fited new seals but still got a bit of water in when the car was left parked facing up hill sealed betwean the sunroof and the roof no more problems

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