If you really take some time, you'll realise that Tayna batteries are a seller and as such they stock a number of batteries matching exactly the C31-1000 specification with a number of different manufacturer's branding for an equal number of different prices.
If you really take some time, you'll realise that Tayna batteries are a seller and as such they stock a number of batteries matching exactly the C31-1000 specification with a number of different manufacturer's branding for an equal number of different prices.
I realised this.. after I spent 25 quid extra!
I should have looked more but I didn't find the other one! Oh well everyday is a school day
I realised this.. after I spent 25 quid extra!
I should have looked more but I didn't find the other one! Oh well everyday is a school day
It's all a bit academic now I s'pose.
I take it you remembered to remove the little breather plug on the side?
Tayna do a couple for the TD5 but do a measurement first and also check the posts position. I got a 100Ah battery from them in the winter of '12 and it's still kicking over like new even with the recent cold nights . This is the link for it.....
https://www.tayna.co.uk/car-batteries/enduroline/019/ The labels have been altered to protect the innocent but the cells remain the same. 4 year warranty . This'll be year 8 with mine and for less than a ton I ain't complanin'

I have no connection or sponsorship from Tayna in any way.
Well it does sound as if it works for him......
maybe but this fact doesnt mean that the battery is recommended or the best for a Td5 as long as it's weaker than the factory fitted one...let's hope that the winter will be "friendly" there or the final conclusion will arise :rolleyes:

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