Hi all , looking for a little advice. I got a Disco transfer box and thrown in was the R380 gearbox. Both have only done 88k. So my question is this, will the disco r380 bolt onto the 200tdi defender engine. I realise that the engine would need to move forward and that the gear sticks would be in a different place, that doesn't bother me too much. Just need to know what else would need to be done. If not I'll just use the tbox.
Cheers all.
I considered this due to our LT77 box having poor synchro into 2nd, however the local Landie specialist's advice was that it wasn't worth the hassle and better to rebuild the LT77. However, if you're prepared to diy it might be more viable.

In the end I sidestepped the issue by changing the entire Landie to a 300 but, synchro issues aside, I think I preferred the LT77 to the R380 - the latter seems to baulk occasionally going into 4th, but that may be just me !
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Ashcroft sells the stubby bellhousing I think you might need for it to fit up correctly. I don't know how well the shifter will work, but you should be able to turn up a shifter assembly from a knackered Defender R380 to fit to the one you want to install.

I've never driven an LT77 so can't compare, but I like the R380, provided it's running MT fluid and not ATF.

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