
New Member
Hi all! I've just signed up to the forum...and being a TOTAL Landy novice,I would be very grateful for some advice concerning the purchase(or not!) of a Disco'...
First of all, the vehicle wouldn't be used as a daily'd probably only really be used for dragging the odd trailer of logs for the woodburner and maybe throwing a roof tent on top,for use at festivals etc...

The two vehicles in the frame at the moment,are both at the same local garage..

1) 300tdi 50 Limited Edition,manual...112,000miles,on an S plate

2)2.5 Td5 GS 7 Automatic.....138,000miles,on an X plate.
(..apologies,if the model "numbers" aren't technically accurate,they're just taken from the ads')

Both have a ticket price of just under £4,000 and although I haven't yet had a chance to climb over(and under!)them,at first glance,apart from from some dodgy looking side window rubbers(on the 300tdi)and some slight "bulging" on the door-top rubbers(on the Td5),both look relatively clean and straight and "un-modded".
...although the older 300tdi,with it's light tan interior and Morris Marina door handles,does look a little dated when sitting next to the "X" plate...which,with it's "proper" door handles,I assume is a II ?)...
The "X" plate does also supposedly come with fully service history(which has got to be a good thing)but I was unsure about the auto box..?...are they fairly trouble free?..

But if I'm honest,after doing a bit of "researching" online,what is concerning me is the amount of rust and major rebuilds that seem to be par for the course!? this really the case? this something that they all suffer with?
(..altho' I suppose folk don't post to say that their vehicle is "just fine" do they..;))..

I'm up for a bit o' fettlin'...but I don't really want to be re-building anything!?...Is it just a case of lifting some carpets to view these areas..or does it entail removing seats etc?

Many Thanks for any help or general just "stop faffin' and get on with it" comments that may follow...:)

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Thanks Nath'...
..that's slightly more encouraging....although obviously,I'll give it as thorough a going over a possible..
Thanks again...

Oops! Sorry Fanatic..missed your post..
Check for rust .. between the front bumper and rear towball .. ;)

Seriously ...
in other words dont waist yea doe i would personally get a jap or the bus if i had another chance

Yes but you're feeling cheesed-off because you put your DII with a supposed LR specialist who sounds like they don't know their arse from their elbow.

I've had 5 TD5's through my hands and all have been good to great.

They do need looking after correctly which they often don't get. I would describe them as an enthusiasts car, someone who is prepared to learn about and get stuck into them, themselves.

in other words dont waist yea doe i would personally get a jap or the bus if i had another chance

Thanks for the feedback...yeah,I was begining to think along those lines of maybe a Jap pick up....:(

...but before I give up on the idea of a LR altogether,would a 110 or Defender be a better,more duarble option?...I realise that they still need a lot of looking after but at least stuff can be unbolted or rivets drilled out..(..right? :confused:)....

Thanks again

edit:Oops again..Sorry biglad missed your post...
I suppose it's the prospect of maybe having to virtually rebuild the thing in a few years time, that concerns me,rather than the day to day maintenace and repalcing of components etc..
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Hi all! I've just signed up to the forum...and being a TOTAL Landy novice,I would be very grateful for some advice concerning the purchase(or not!) of a Disco'...
First of all, the vehicle wouldn't be used as a daily'd probably only really be used for dragging the odd trailer of logs for the woodburner and maybe throwing a roof tent on top,for use at festivals etc...

The two vehicles in the frame at the moment,are both at the same local garage..

1) 300tdi 50 Limited Edition,manual...112,000miles,on an S plate

2)2.5 Td5 GS 7 Automatic.....138,000miles,on an X plate.
(..apologies,if the model "numbers" aren't technically accurate,they're just taken from the ads')

Both have a ticket price of just under £4,000 and although I haven't yet had a chance to climb over(and under!)them,at first glance,apart from from some dodgy looking side window rubbers(on the 300tdi)and some slight "bulging" on the door-top rubbers(on the Td5),both look relatively clean and straight and "un-modded".
...although the older 300tdi,with it's light tan interior and Morris Marina door handles,does look a little dated when sitting next to the "X" plate...which,with it's "proper" door handles,I assume is a II ?)...
The "X" plate does also supposedly come with fully service history(which has got to be a good thing)but I was unsure about the auto box..?...are they fairly trouble free?..

But if I'm honest,after doing a bit of "researching" online,what is concerning me is the amount of rust and major rebuilds that seem to be par for the course!? this really the case? this something that they all suffer with?
(..altho' I suppose folk don't post to say that their vehicle is "just fine" do they..;))..

I'm up for a bit o' fettlin'...but I don't really want to be re-building anything!?...Is it just a case of lifting some carpets to view these areas..or does it entail removing seats etc?

Many Thanks for any help or general just "stop faffin' and get on with it" comments that may follow...:)


Hi Chris, the first thing I would say is do you really NEED and 2300kgs 25-28mpg, expensive to maintain 4x4?

If the answer is still yes - then I'll continue:

1. Discovery 1 was produced between 1989 and 1998 - initially with TDi 200 (up to 1994), then TDi 300 up to 1998.

2. Discovery 2 was produced between 1998 and 2004 with the same diesel engine throughout - the TD5 5 cylinder LR designed unit.

A superficial comparison shows D1 as non electronic, body rust issues, usually decent chassis. D2 as more refined, more electronics, little or no body rust but chassis rust at the rear.

The two cars proposed are both priced high in my opinion but the TDi 300 is incredibly high.

A good decent but not perfect late TDi 300 with 150,00mls private sale will cost approx £1500.

An early TD5 good but not perfect will be in the region of £2500.

I wouldn't buy from a garage I would much rather buy private and save the money for an initial thorough service done myself.

The biggest single problem with Discovery ownership is garage maintenance - if you do the work yourself you are not paying for other people's mistakes.

Parts are inexpensive to downright cheap. Exhaust system for a TDi 300 from Paddocks £35+vat. A set of discs and pads £40.

For the use you have outlined I would advise a TDi 300. Spend between £1500 and £2000 and you'll find something pretty good, then spend time anda bit of money going through it for a week and you'll have a good reliable Discovery. DO NOT underestimate the amount of preventative maintenance though - these are hobby vehicles, not normal cars.


edit:Oops again..Sorry biglad missed your post...
I suppose it's the prospect of maybe having to virtually rebuild the thing in a few years time, that concerns me,rather than the day to day maintenace and repalcing of components etc..

Chris, once you get them really right, they don't need rebuilding. But often even though they have "full service history" they not been looked after properly.

Whenever I get a new Disco or like with the wife's 110, I start at the front and work my way backwards:

1. Empty the coolant, flush the engine and rad, then replace with good coolant; new coolant hoses and thermostat; £50 for parts

2. Engine oil and filter; new air-filter; new fuel filter; new fan belt; £40

3. Replace brake fluid; £6

4. Check/replace front discs and pads; check/adjust/replace front wheel bearings and swivel bearings; £100

5. Change the oil in both diffs, main gearbox and transfer box; £50

6. Check/grease/replace all propshaft U/j's and rubber doughnut; £50

7. Check/replace exhaust system; £35

8. Check/replace: rear discs and pads; wheel bearings. £50.

So this initial service will cost approx 3 days of your time and about £350.

After that it'll be just normal servicing plus replacement of anything that breaks.

So to summarise, a decent private sale TDi 300 will cost about £1500 + £350 to get it in fine fettle then you'll have a vehicle which will last and not lose hardly any money, if you keep on top of it.

Have a look at the prices for an equivalent age Defender 110, they are at least double the price of a Disco. Yes they do have a certain rugged appeal, but they are rugged and noisy, they do have rust issues and they are most definitely only a working vehicle, not a car.

Have a look at what's on the market and you choose. Alternatively you could look for a Daihatsu Fourtrack - cheap to buy but like all the japs vehicles parts prices can be a nightmare.

Thank you very much for taking the time to put those posts together Dave!

I hadn't realised that the two I mentioned were so over priced..:doh:
I had obviously seen cheaper about (ebay etc)but I had,wrongly,assumed that a £1500+ Disco' would've been worked or "green laned" to death and be on it's last legs...!?

Time for a long think.....

Thanks again
Thank you very much for taking the time to put those posts together Dave!

I hadn't realised that the two I mentioned were so over priced..:doh:
I had obviously seen cheaper about (ebay etc)but I had,wrongly,assumed that a £1500+ Disco' would've been worked or "green laned" to death and be on it's last legs...!?

Time for a long think.....

Thanks again

Hi Chris, I reckon your best investment right now is in time. Time to go and see a few and drive them, don't rely on what others say, get out there and look at and try a few.

We paid£3000 for but its not the purchase price it's what you need to spend to get it right!!! we spent £1600 on a new clutch/flywheel/propshafts!!!

It's now going really well and tows the horse trailer plus big horse with ease.....Depends what you want it for...........
If your buying one, buy one now (so called summer) they sell for silly money in the winter when everyones scrambling to buy one. Then it doesnt even snow.

Ive just bought a TD5 ready for the winter, very smooth on the road and good on fuel also.
We've arranged to have a look at a few this weekend(...along with a couple of 'Fourtraks).
..we've even got our eyes peeled for a "tidy" jap pick up..but everything within our price range(..and within reasonable distance),seems to have been beaten half to death!.. :frown:

Anyway...we'll see what the weekend brings....
Thanks again everyone,for all of the views and experiences....

I hadn't realised that the two I mentioned were so over priced..:doh:
I had obviously seen cheaper about (ebay etc)but I had,wrongly,assumed that a £1500+ Disco' would've been worked or "green laned" to death and be on it's last legs...!?

Time for a long think.....

Thanks again

I'm no expert but I would advise shopping around also, and haggle. I have a 95 Disco with just 94000 miles on it, and so far it's fantastic apart from the wipers not wanting to switch off, but otherwise it seems sound. I managed to pick that up for £1200 on Friday night there, plus it has 7 seats for all the kids.

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