
New Member
Noticed my car pulling to the left when braking and the steering wheel turns to the left as well. Would this be a failed brake on the right hand side? What should I check for. Thanks.
yes if it only pulls when braking and theres no steering effect on power or overrun youd need to look at disc pads and pistons
Have you been off road recently, there maybe a pipe leaking or damaged. Check your sliders on the caliper, when were they last serviced.
I haven't touched the breaks and had the car a year. Probably could do with looking at, that's something I need to learn then. Is there an easy way to check which right hand break is playing up? I presume it's front? I haven't been proper off road recently only shooting on fields but nothing too bad.
So what would I need to do check the pipes to the break, possibly change piston and seals or just buy a new front caliper and fit it lol.
My disco does this but the swivel pin is gone on the OSF wheel so there's a load of play in it so I can't say if it's just the brakes so you could see if yours has play in it. Could be wrong I'm No mechanic :)
jack one wheel up feel for play in bearings and swivel then remove wheel and check brake

I'll let you know how I get on. The swivels have been changed in summer. I suspect breaks I heard some squeeking and rubbing a couple of weeks ago thinking about it. Might be sticking.
Lift up the Offside wheel grab it and check for play as you need to check the brakes any how, like I said I can't confirm it is my brakes as the swivels gone :) I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong I've only owned a disco since April after all

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