
D3 Grandad
Full Member
I’m going to run now ,before I get things thrown at me for posting the pic , lol

Straightaway notice the "ponce" sign in the windscreen, then the Merc badge, then the weird and tiny LED headlights, then the absence of a number plate.
Where on earth did you find this, or is the photo not yours?
Straightaway notice the "ponce" sign in the windscreen, then the Merc badge, then the weird and tiny LED headlights, then the absence of a number plate.
Where on earth did you find this, or is the photo not yours?


Pic was on another forum , sharp eye as I never noticed the signs each side , lol , ponce member

Maybe the owner is incisive, lol
Incisive, decisive, indecisive, you say either I say either you say potato I say potato, let's call the whole thing off! Interesting lack of number plate. The car next to it looks as if it might also be missing a number plate. Wonder if it is some vehicle used on a golf course or large private estate. Difficult to tell where it is by the architecture. Obviously an English speaker. but the "member" thing may mean it is as said above, on a private piece of land. Interesting!
Yeah, and what is hanging off the rear view mirror? Looks like it might be those strips of material people have to wear with their name tags on in offices and suchlike. Could it be Yankeeland?
I think "Ponce" is his weird number plate which has fallen off for some reason and is therefore being displayed in his windscreen. On closer inspection it looks like a numberplate. Lack of corrosion on the roof bars points to a dry state. southern state of US perhaps, or California? Bet it is being driven by a Brit.
Shame about the big crack in the front bumper....and the dreadful headlights, Merc badge etc.
Deffo a hot State, he has a sun strip almost halfway down the screen. The resolution is not quite good enough to read the state on the licence plate.
Need new bumper, headlamps, bonnet, grill.

And whoever fucked the grill up needs beating with a cluestick

OP not the one above

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