
New Member
I've googled it and there's a few mentions of Disco LSE. They seem to be American sites and looking at the pics, they seem to be standard Discos with a high level of trim. I was hoping there might be a long wheelbase version, similar to the RRC LSE. Has anyone seen one or know of it's existence?
I like the way your mind works! It'd be a shame to butcher my Rangie LSE though :) Maybe I'll look out for some on fleabay.
I didn't think the Disco 2 is any longer than the Disco 1?

the disco 2 is longer than the disco 1 due to the rear 6 and 7 seats facing forward,the 5 seater is on springs but the 7 seater is on air suspention due to the weight of 6th and 7 th passengers being behind rear axle. Also d2's on air have a height adjustment for off road driving which raises the arse end up a couple of inches to give more clearance to the lengthend rear over hang
There was at least one long wheelbase D1, I saw it in Brands Hatch paddock it had Texaco decals all over it I took a photo and sent it to LRO hoping to see it in the mag but never did, that was around 1996-7.
Yup, they did some ambulances on the 110 wheelbase I believe.

Like this in fact.

Hi, L/rover Disco Ambulance In Devon - New to the SBMCC? - SBMCC
Special vehicles though not a production vehicle like the rangey LSE.

The one that the OP spotted could have been a factory special or a homemade or anything in between, but to answer the question completely the answer is non were made for enteral production but a few have been manufactured along the way for special purposes and/or some have been modified from original vehicles post production.

Cheers :)
Special vehicles though not a production vehicle like the rangey LSE.

The one that the OP spotted could have been a factory special or a homemade or anything in between, but to answer the question completely the answer is non were made for enteral production but a few have been manufactured along the way for special purposes and/or some have been modified from original vehicles post production.

Cheers :)

Oh come on make your mind up ;), ref to your post #2 "Nope, no and no, there never was a factory LWB"

Now you say the LWB discos that have been seen are "Special vehicles" .. yes that's correct we know that, it's a department within the LR factory, so discos did leave the factory as a LWB :)

But to answer the question completely :) there was a disco for the NAS market in 1998 badged LSE along with one badge LE to replace the out going 1997 SE7 but all were the standard 100" wheelbase.
Alright alright there was never a production LWB disco!

There may have been some that came out of the factory!

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