yea like i said their not allways on their but keep your eye open they pop up. ive got the number for the guy if your interested.
Im not ready just yet mate thanks, probably some time in the new year now, calm the spending down! haha, Ill get in touch though when Im ready :) thanks mate!
Back on the snow topic for a second, here's my mate's story about yesterday morning, might make you laugh:

"Went to Gueret this morning but it took 1.5hrs to get to Genouillac (15mls).

Coming from Betete just before the bendy bit where you had your moment with the dodgy tyres, I found a small van in the crash barrier with 2 distressed Frenchman. Lucky there was a crash barrier there cause it's a bit of a drop into the river. There was a third there with his jap 4x4. He was attached to the van via a short length of wire and one of the smallest ratchet strips I've ever seen. He was skidding and sliding all over the place trying to pull this van out.

Well I had to take control. they where just making the situation worse. They had seen me anyway and where gesticulating madly in my direction. So I got out of the truck and nearly went arse over tît. Spoke to them in the worst French that they've ever heard and got out my snow chains and proper tow rope out which seemed to please them a great deal. I was at this point thinking right never put snow chains on before, hope I get this right cause I don't want to look like a tît!

5 mins later the chains were on and I'd attached Snowy (Def 110 td5 ) to the van that was still stuck. Even with the chains on low range diff lock engaged I could only inch forward but we pulled him out. Much to everyone's delight.

After much thanking the French man drove off in his van towards Genouillac. I put my kit away but kept the chains on as it was very slippery, undulating and twisty through the next section of road.

I then carried on down the hill and round the bend, just as I was going up the other side I saw a very familiar looking French man standing in the road. He gobbed off some rapid fire French at me. Surprise surprise he's mounted the bank and gone into the ditch around the bend. Good job I kept them snow chains on then. Second successful recovery of the same vehicle in less then a km. I kept him attached to me then until we got to the main road. I did want to be able to get to the shops before they closed for lunch and didn't have time to rescue him again."

Good mornings work eh?
I hope he gave you some beer money :D or atleast some cheese and bread

I think all my mate got was a hearty thank you, but you never know in the future when you might need help yourself ??!!

Actually, thinking back his neighbour + tracteur helped him pull the outlaws mobile home into place - so I guess what goes around, comes around.
Id like a safety devices rack but they are so expensive! I think my next purchase will be a safari snorkel though. ive seen some guy that does copies of the SD rack on ebay they look good their about £340 i think but not always listed.

Thats what I got-Furious but his site dont always work either!!

Me like them Zu's-dem lush!
Yea i pulled a van out thursday. some civil engineering company packed full of tools up a hill! their was a land cruiser trying to pull it but it wasnt happening! so hooked it to the disco low box 1st then up to 2nd no diff lock just let the traction control do the work. was very impressed. im not slating other 4wds but they just havent got what any landrover does in terms of off road ability ect. It was rather amusing watching the land cruiser snaking up the hill with the van behind as we followed in the disco with the van behind.

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