Hi All,

Well, just picked up my very first Landy - and already she's giving me problems!

The PO had apparently replaced the clutch last year, and certainly gave me the receipt for a Britpart clutch kit, however I'm getting a groan when I reach biting point in 1st and Reverse. There's a slightly quieter groan if I have the clutch pressed flat to the floor.

It doesn't happen all the time, and once I get going things seem to improve. I've changed the oil in the transfer box but I couldn't get the drain plug off the gearbox, so that's one for another time.

I'm still a bit of a novice so I uploaded a vid to YouTube so you can hear for yourselves incase my description is off. https://youtu.be/6nk6BjV-xGw

Any thoughts on what this could be? Any suggestions appreciated!

Many thanks,
Mine does that occasionally, and it's a new clutch (or was) on a V8.

I think it is the release bearing chattering on the pressure plate fingers, either because it is too stiff to immediately rotate when the clutch pedal is depressed, or some other obscure reason.

Tends to do it only on first start and is fine once all is warmed up. Spigot bearing was checked and lubricated and splines on the first motion shaft as well, although different greases.

spigot bushes can be too tight ,which is why they squeal at biting point ,no real issue apart from annoying unless yopu have other symptoms
Thanks for all the help.

If there won't be any lasting damage then I might leave it as-is at the moment and get a trans specialist to look at it later in the year - dropping the box out is beyond my skills at the moment. :)

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