
I have a 2002 Facelift Discovery with climate control. It decided to only work when set to full fan speed. I have searched across the interweb and many people said it was probably down to a resister pack fault so i got onto eBay and bought what i thought was the part.

So i decided to start taking the glove box apart to get access to the blower unit only to find i could not find the resister pack.

Does anyone know where it is located or if it has one at all on the facelift climate control model? Or if its a completely different problem than what i thought!?

Thanks in advance

Here is my oppinion(copy from here ) : The scheme with the resistor pack is for manual system to controll the heater blower... not for climatronic with digital controll....the digital A/C fan is controlled by a POWER TRANSISTOR, i'm quite sure that's your problem... see this Heater fan on full only and even deeper this 51 plate Discovery - blower problem

If it'll turn out that this is the problem then here is the cheap fix for it : quoting myself from D2boysclub;) " if u have problems with the aircon blower speed controll the most obvious fault is the power transistor(here's a pic ... tor&page=1 , u dont have to spend that much, u just have to get hold of a Toshiba 2SD1460, or similar(MJ11016 - i used one of this and it works, MJ11014, BDX69B, etc.The transistor is screwed to the aluminium cooler but the connections are all potted in epoxy so it would take a little work with a dremel tool to get to the connections...... cant be more than 10 quid i think. "

HOPE THIS HELPS ... by the way, it is behind the glovebox__________________
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Well the new transistor arrived from Maplin and I promptly replaced the part which was simple enough. All seemed well until I went to test the blower control and found that it still worked on full speed but on all the other speeds it was blowing very very lightly. Granted very lightly is better than not at all but still bugging me why it's not working as it should. Obviously the new transistor is not correct and bugger me if I know which one is the right one other than forking out £100 at Stealership
Sorry to hear that, i've used MJ11016 and it works... maybe there is some difference within the circuit resistances or capacitors between the facelift and the "classic" models and the facelifted is much sensitive to certain small voltages, and also MJ11016 is Darlington as Toshiba which MJ802 is not(albeit these characteristics are more important in audio systems) , i dunno .... anyway u dont have to spend the big money these guys are shipping wordwide and it'll be much cheaper so u better go for the original one TOSHIBA 2SD1460/D1460 | eBay

By the way... i hope u was carefull enough to not let the "legs" of the transistor to make contact with the alloy cooler.
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I am going to have to order off eBay like you suggest, I just hope the postage to the UK is not too much. When removing the old transistor the legs had red sleeves on them which I placed on the new part ensuring the legs did not touch the metal casing.
Couldnt be a killer.... i've ordered something a while ago and the postage was 30USD untill Romania.
Well here is the conclusion to my problem,

I ordered the part from ebay TOSHIBA 2SD1460/D1460 | eBay

Whilst I was waiting I thought I would go to Maplin with transistor pack in hand to ask for a replacement resistor and capacitor for this unit which they gladly supplied for £0.48p. I fitted the new resistor and cap and installed the unit into the car complete with the transistor which I got from Maplin online a few weeks ago. The fan worked YAY, oh no now its only on FULL BLAST all the time :-(. I waited for the new transistor to come from New York off ebay. When it arrived i fitted it to the transistor pack and installed it back into the car and again only working FULL BLAST :-(.

I thought to myself WHAT IF Maplin with all their knowledge have given me a wrong resistor or cap so luckily I still had the old ones and put them back on and GUESS WHAT it works a treat.

So to sum up AVOID Maplin as they supply you with the wrong parts even when you have the old part in your hand when you go in! And simply buy the transistor off ebay fit it and it should work grand!

Cost me around £20 to find all this out including postage but still cheaper than £100+ from a Land Rover dealer!

Cheers for everyones help on this problem it has been much appreciated!
I'm a bit confused(probably due to my english):confused: ... TOSHIBA 2SD1460/D1460 | eBay is working or not ?

Yes the Toshiba 2SD1460/D1460 unit from Ebay works perfect! The transistor from Maplin was not the correct part despite it matching the specs pritty much perfectly!

Strange thing even though the Toshiba unit was meant to be a direct replacement the unit it ever so slightly fatter but screws in perfect and works great!
I'm glad to hear that... even though i made this repair a few times with succes using MJ11016 i was a bit excited... and if it's fatter it'll last longer :)
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