
A friend was telling me that while having his discovery serviced some time
ago he complained about lack of grunt when pulling uphill - the mechanic
sorted this by removing the nylon spacer from under the diaphragm which is
atop the injector pump, he says this mod has sorted his lack of pulling
power, and doesn't seem to have had any effect on consumption...... before I
start playing round with my injector pump has anybody else had any
experiences of this??



On or around Sat, 19 Jun 2004 19:35:55 +0200, "Mac"
<mac_harrisremoveremove@hotmail.com> enlightened us thusly:

>A friend was telling me that while having his discovery serviced some time
>ago he complained about lack of grunt when pulling uphill - the mechanic
>sorted this by removing the nylon spacer from under the diaphragm which is
>atop the injector pump, he says this mod has sorted his lack of pulling
>power, and doesn't seem to have had any effect on consumption...... before I
>start playing round with my injector pump has anybody else had any
>experiences of this??

hmmm. I doubt that's ideal. The thing on top responds to turbo boost and
supplies more fuel on boost. It's possible that it's not right, but
unlikely IMHO unless it's faulty (split diaphragm, say).

I have a file about adjusting the diesel pump on the TDi, if you want. Just
thought of what's not in it, too, which is to check and/or block the EGR
valve if it has one.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
Satisfying: Satisfy your inner child by eating ten tubes of Smarties
from the Little Book of Complete B***ocks by Alistair Beaton.

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