we do have short perioids where it appears to run fine, but because i am usually on country lanes i dont put the foot down too much, so even on periods where it appears to be running good i could not for certain say it would of gone past 2800, help!!!!
thanks to everyone who is helping, i am making a list of all things you are suggesting, please keep the ideas coming, i really need all the help i can get.
Had 1 similar few year back. Inlet manifold was loose and bottom hose from intercooler was split. Personally I'd check the timing, maybe pump is a tooth out. You say you get excessive blue smoke which would indicate burning oil. Have you checked oil level? Is it using coolant? Maybe possible head gasket failure?
hi i had same problem run ok up to a point wouldent rev past 2500
whissleing turbo + smoke
after a small fortune turn out to be a collapsed
hose from intercooler to turbo dont know if any help
I had a mate the other day who had a lack of go, and the waste gate actuator lever had come away from the waste gate lever itself, hence no boost. If it is smoking when not making power then this suggests over fueling which in turn could suggest lack of boost. Check the actuator behind the turbo, it's awkwards but there shouldnt be any parts flapping around.

Replace the plastic fuel line with a short piece of clear pvc pipe to see if the is air in the system

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