
New Member
Just wondering what's the maximum dick length needed to own a disco? I've heard the average is 3" but confused as the dealership state 2.5"?

Coming from a Freelander I obviously don't have anything to prove and my dick is so massive no one will sell me a disco.

Hoping someone on here could sell me one, I can crouch a little and wear a bald wig if it helps. I even promise to drive the freelander during the day and keep the disco hidden in the garage so's not to upset other disco owners with later stages of small man syndrome, although Im not prepared to get the length of my penis shortened.:hysterically_laughi
You can take the dealership spec as being correct, but check for upgrade kits just in case.
rather have a small dick:eek: wear a turban:eek: and be english:eek: than own a gaylander and yes i own a disco and because i do a small dick is not a problem :D:D
yeah the departure angle is alot less with a small dick as well :hysterically_laughi and with owning a disco are dicks might be small but at least their straight lol

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