Bastid too late for this. Mind yu with the 90 on axle stands I might have struggled a bit any way :D :D.

Can I nick the route off ya later??:eek:
Why do suppliers bother askin for the fookin chassis number only to still send the FOOKIN WRONG BITS :mad::mad::mad: Fookin welsh fookin ****s.

So much for fittin a new timin belt this evenin,
****in mud mud mud every where,up the hedge up the row of parked car s and the road is now mud.....

mud mud mud ya bastids.....

(i really must get a cheap camera)
****in mud mud mud every where,up the hedge up the row of parked car s and the road is now mud.....

mud mud mud ya bastids.....

(i really must get a cheap camera)

I blame the farmers for not clearing up. It's a manslaughter charge for the trattor driver if somebody dies as a result of mud on the road. :mad:
I blame the farmers for not clearing up. It's a manslaughter charge for the trattor driver if somebody dies as a result of mud on the road. :mad:
...if the stupid car drivers go faster than 15mph round ere then they deserve to die anyway...

get used to it rat boy this place is a farm 24/7 not a theme park.Farming outstrips the tourism industry by millions so fook it.Locals drive sensible so you lot WILL to cos there is MUD all on the road.....:p:p:p:p
...if the stupid car drivers go faster than 15mph round ere then they deserve to die anyway...

get used to it rat boy this place is a farm 24/7 not a theme park.Farming outstrips the tourism industry by millions so fook it.Locals drive sensible so you lot WILL to cos there is MUD all on the road.....:p:p:p:p

15mph? I'll be driving my truck, not a feckin tractor. National speed limit allows me to travel above 15mph funnily enough. As for locals driving sensible that's a load of bollocks. Locals drive faster than anyone else cos they know the lanes. I aint worried by mud on the road. If I hit my truck I can always claim on the farmers insurance.:D:D:D
15mph? I'll be driving my truck, not a feckin tractor. National speed limit allows me to travel above 15mph funnily enough. As for locals driving sensible that's a load of bollocks. Locals drive faster than anyone else cos they know the lanes. I aint worried by mud on the road. If I hit my truck I can always claim on the farmers insurance.:D:D:D

we equate small issues with wnkers into each quote insureing that we can pay enough cash out to dispose of the body properly.:D:D:D
Gone a bit quiet this so this is from another forum i post on, moaning about eon when i moved last week.
I spent most of sunday afternoon on the phone to Eon about getting power on in my new flat.It took 8 phone calls.Ranging from:
"You can be connected to power, it will take an hour, call this number XXXX"Resonable enough, oh hang on, this number doesnt work out of hrs, ill have to call them Monday 9am.Unaccaceptable
Next call "You can be connected, you need this number xxxx"Same number as above even though i told em what happened
Next call "you can be connected, about an hour" all very resonable "You need the out of hours number..." breakthrough!!!! "and the account holders name for data protection reasons" hang on what?.... "We cant connect you without the account holders details for data protection reasons" but Ill be the account holder seing as Ive just moved in, and im not after data, Im after electric so I can have a brew! "Well thats not gonna happen without the account holders name"
Phone call to confused landlady follows, I wait as shes trawls through her records "The name is XXXXX"
Great, 4th call. "You cant get connected for 48 hrs." What?You told me 1 hr(Very reasonable), 48 hrs is a joke(not very reasonable) "you cant book the connection till monday morning 9am either" so its gonna be well over 48 hrs then? "Yes" and thats reasonable is it? "Yes." let me speak to ya gaffer After some time on hold "Hello, martin here, i run the show(or words to that effect-think he was a customer services manager)" who do I have to sleep with, murder or bribe to get connected today? "sir thats not gonna happen" Well your staff told me 3 times already that it can be done in an hour "who told you that?" I dunno WHO, the peps that answer this number "well they are wrong, that information is incorrect" well thats an issue for you and your staff, martin, you should train them better and make sure they all sing from the same hymm sheet "they do" Clearly not, moving on.Do you supply power to me flat? "No" Do you know who does? "yes TXU".who are they? "they are EON" So you supply me power then? "no TXU do" do you have a number for TXU? "yes this one" Im getting a bit narked by this stage. Can you give electric today seing as you already supply me? "we dont supply you TXU do. Youve been cut off since 2007 not true the former tennat moved out 6 weeks prior to me moving in, we cant supply you today, its gonna take 48 hrs and you cant start that 48 hrs until 9am monday" Does this sound reasonable to you?This sounds unacceptable to me, I dont live in a third world country"does the prepay meter have Eon on it?" No, ill try EDF thats what it got written on it
Next call-to EDF "ZUit allors, ello this bit isnt quite factuallly correct, they may be french but the bird who answered wasnt Can i help you?" Yes i want power to my Flat "its not us that supply you, its TXU-their Eon by the way" Oh, really? "ill put you through"
Waits a bit, "hello can i help you?" yes i want power to me flat so i can have a well earned brew "Ok thatll be an hour, heres your code"
And it worked!!!!
But why does it take 6 phone calls?Why do different people tell you different things?And when you speak to the head honcho, why is he completely wrong?The Wonder that is british customer service
hehehehehehe if it makes yer feel any better I knocked over 3 ton o horse feed and had to pick the ****ing lot up by hand.......:eek:

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