New Member
Hi All,

My Disco 300TDi recently developed a clutch problem - Clutch was working without any problems, no judder, slipping, indications of impending doom or anything like that. Was driving along quite happily and pulled up at a junction, was sat in neutral waiting for a space to pull out and when the opportunity came I depressed the clutch and felt the resistance on the pedal and then ping......, reduced resistance and the clutch now slips if I give it full revs, if I apply throttle gently though I can still move.

Have checked the master cylinder and there is plenty of fluid and its not black so i think the master cylinder is OK and the seals are good. No signs of fluid leaking from bell housing so kind of assuming the slave cylinder is OK.

Ive searched on here but not found anyone with 100% identical problem, I'm suspecting the clutch itself or the selector fork, but would appreciate the benefit of those who have had more years experience on Discos that I have. Hopefully its just the friction plate thats given up? (I have a new clutch kit sat on the shelf waiting)

I'll do the work myself but don't want the disco sat in the garage for months waiting on a part (I live in France) and would rather know up front whats most likely to be fooked so I can read up on the repair process ahead of time. I've already read on here that although its fairly straight forward to have the gearbox out its made difficult by the fact that it weighs the same as a small moon.

Any advice gratefully recieved !!

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Buy another fork anyway and replace it with the rest of the clutch, it's probably that anyhow. Just buy a plain one and reinforce it yourself with a bit of plate welded on the back. If that's not the problem, you've saved yourself that hassle for next time as they don't last that long :D
Thanks Saltlick, will get another and reinforce as you suggest.

I'll order one up and get the old girl in the garage when it arrives.


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