
Over the last week or so i have noticed an issue with the heaters. The Vehicle gets up to temp (middle of the gauge) but the heaters blow cold, the heaters come hot if you work the engine hard or travel at 60 or so for a little while and they stay warm once on. There is water in the tank as i have checked this. I have ordered a new thermostat, any advice?
If the vehicle gets up to temp as and when it should u won't need a replacement thermostat.

As the heater matrix should be the same temp as the engine coolant either the coolant isnt flowing through the matrix as it should or the air flow dampers are locked into the cool air position.
Its weird,

I drover to work this morning which is a 10 mile trip the vehicle was up to temperature around 2/3 miles but by the time warm air come out i was 200 meter from work after a quick blast.
Well it was cold this morning frost in my part of the world, perhaps your temp gauge is fibbing, or the engine temp sensor is, and your engine is running on the cool side tdi's do don't they, why not try tomorrow with a bit of cardboard over the grill to partly restrict the air flow see what happens, keeping a eye on the gauge of course.
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It did is on sunday also when ir was a warm day but only took mile to come through as i had the horse box on the back going up a hill. but soon as i left it for 20 min and got back in didnt get hot again for a while.

Sure once the temp gauge is warm previous the heaters have been warm.
double check your paddles work.

could be blocked, try a hose and back flush it.

air lock?

touch both pipes when the engine is up to temp, are they both hot and pressurised?

just to check, your blower fan is spinning all the time?
sorted it ;)

checked the collant when cold and it was low.

Next thing is where its coming from.

Iv read about the P gasket being a common thing, where is this located?
low coolant is a 300tdi killer as the pump is high up, so sort it asap.

check all pipe connections and the rad for leakage signs.

weep hole under water pump and the p gasket is

look behind the pump and p gasket for signs of water.
i gave it a run and lifted the bonnet and couldnt see anything, i checked the oil and it definitely isnt going in there. so i will inspect closer.

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