
New Member
Wondering if anyone has had similar? At my wits ends! Have a disco 3 56 reg. Had for around 10 years never had anything major wrong drives like a dream but over last few months it’s flashing all hazards,radio goes off,heating goes off, interior light goes on whilst driving and won’t turn off. This can go on for 5 mins to 20 mins and if turn ignition off it won’t start. Been on 3 diagnostics and no one knows what it is, electrician no clue. Driving me mad having people telling me hazards on then won’t start sometimes. So frustrating just wondered if anyone has had this with theirs
Wondering if anyone has had similar? At my wits ends! Have a disco 3 56 reg. Had for around 10 years never had anything major wrong drives like a dream but over last few months it’s flashing all hazards,radio goes off,heating goes off, interior light goes on whilst driving and won’t turn off. This can go on for 5 mins to 20 mins and if turn ignition off it won’t start. Been on 3 diagnostics and no one knows what it is, electrician no clue. Driving me mad having people telling me hazards on then won’t start sometimes. So frustrating just wondered if anyone has had this with theirs


firstly welcome to the asylum, lol

first place I would go is checking the battery as indeed a weak one can send the electronics haywire

using a multimeter, with the engine off check the battery is around 12.6 Vdc , engine running around 14.5Vdc

can certainly walk u through it with various other further tests if that checks out, can also be a bad earth but best to start with the basics first and we then go from there

plus do u have ur own diagnostics as indeed u will save yourself a fortune in not having to rely on garages, start around £60 for a basic one or around £450 for one that’s a lot more detailed in its ability

hope that helps
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Thanks for reply! I don’t know where to go with this as so many people looked at it and can’t find fault. I have access to diagnostics machine but don’t really know what I’m looking at. When been to 2 garages they don’t know either as it doesn’t always do it, so when put on machine it’s not picking anything up. Battery should be good but will check its as if some wires are touching and earthing it out like u say but can’t see anything untoward a

firstly welcome to the asylum, lol

first place I would go is checking the battery as indeed a weak one can send the electronics haywire

using a multimeter, with the engine off check the battery is around 12.6 Vdc , engine running around 14.5Vdc

can certainly walk u through it with various other further tests if that checks out, can also be a bad earth but best to start with the basics first and we then go from there

plus do u have ur own diagnostics as indeed u will save yourself a fortune in not having to rely on garages, start around £60 for a basic one or around £450 for one that’s a lot more detailed in its ability

hope that helps
Thanks for reply! I don’t know where to go with this as so many people looked at it and can’t find fault. I have access to diagnostics machine but don’t really know what I’m looking at. When been to 2 garages they don’t know either as it doesn’t always do it, so when put on machine it’s not picking anything up. Battery should be good but will check its as if some wires are touching and earthing it out like u say but can’t see anything untoward a

sorry for the confusion with regards to the earth , the D3 has some big earth cable connections around the vehicle , at each end of these where they join they can become rusty leading to a bad connection , it can cause intermittent issues as whilst driving along the cable can move causing problems , not always but this can happen

indeed understand ur frustration, had mine 7 x years and virtually tore the thing apart as previous owners had done a lot of bodges on it, took me along time to resolve all of the electrical issues

know intermittent issues can be very hard to trace , as a side note was a heating engineer for over 25 x years and would often come across intermittent problems which can take time to pin down electrical that weren’t there all the time

It taught me to always look at the basics first to ensure nothing is missed before going into more complicated diagnostics , know some garages haven’t got a clue with regards to working on land rovers , along with these having a lot of electronics

great u have diagnostics , do u know what make and model it is plse as we can then relate to which one u have, maybe the garages have cleared any old fault codes , if u plug it in now do any errors come up or remember any codes plse, thks

have u also got a multimeter as that will also be very useful in testing the battery out

just so we can gauge what skill level u have, not to be disrespectful to u just so we know if we need to explain certain things in more detail , so that it doesn’t come across in trying to teach u how to suck eggs

indeed plse let us know how u get on with the battery results and we can go from there , always best to start of fresh and from the beginning

ur find this forum full of extremely knowledgeable members so hopefully can try and pin the issue down for u, plus best of all u don’t get an invoice at the end of it , lol
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+1 on the battery. A bad one can make a modern Land Rover seem as though it is haunted by a poltergeist.

indeed and surprising what errors can come up, plse ask me how I know , lol

plus regarding intermittent issues one error took me nearly 6 x months to find as I had to trace each and every wire with some of the large looms , ultimately finding a loose pin as when the connector was pushed together it pushed back therefore not making contact with the other wire

Suspension was the worst as so many people in the past had bodged it to an inch of its life so went through all of it wire by wire , air line by airline

But at the end of the day all good fun and learnt alot by it , plus thk god I don’t have to use any garages as would have cost a fortune
Hi thanks for reply. Obviously I’m a woman and don’t really know much about stuff. I’m not sure how this forum works but am I able to ask if anyone is local to Bradford to help me out or are we allowed to give out phone numbers so I can get my husband to chat about it

ur so welcome and to be fair all of us will treat male or female equally

personally I wouldn’t put ur phone number on an open forum, of course u can post over in the main section which is “ anything goes “ but to be honest best to keep a thread in the relevant section ( like this one is ) as it will then have all the information instead of scattering it in different places , hope that makes sense

Plse don’t ever put urself down as in life we can’t know everything , is ur husband ok spannering as in using a multimeter and diagnostics etc plse as we can certainly walk him through the battery checks etc

alas otherwise unfortunately seen it many times in seeing people go down the rabbit hole so to speak and then get even more frustrated

Hope that at least helps in a small way in order for the basic tests to be carried out and go from there,
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Hi thanks for reply. Obviously I’m a woman and don’t really know much about stuff. I’m not sure how this forum works but am I able to ask if anyone is local to Bradford to help me out or are we allowed to give out phone numbers so I can get my husband to chat about it

You can send number via private message with no worries.

Tell you hubby to start with the basic, battery being first, but in this case I reckon you have a dodgy ignition relay, have a look in the under bonnet fuse box, and try swapping it with one for another system for example air suspension.
@gstuart will be able to give you pointers on which relays to try/swap.

Does the car have sunroofs?
If you take your hand a feel the floor mats for wet both sides, especially roughly where the rear of the front doors meet the body, if you park uphill take a feel where the mats meet the rear doors.
Thanks all! He is going to take it to check the battery today. He is not very computer literate hence why I’m on here asking the questions instead of him so I’ll pass this and let you know how it goes with battery check and no doubt I’ll be asking more questions thanks guys
Right folks he’s taken it to Halfords for battery check and battery is fine. On the way there the hazards went on 4 times so back to drawing board’
Is any of you guys local to Bradford it’s hard to explain over here ‍♀️

fingers crossed someone will be able to help

As ur battery is ok I think ur cluster is at fault , but of course really want someone to double check that for u , they can suffer with dry solder joints at the back and need to be sent away, think they use the company called Totaltronics

plse let us know how u get on as indeed don’t want to send items away without getting 100% proof, just my thoughts
Hi I had this exact same problem exact same symptoms infact was my first problem , researched loads on line and was the instrument cluster , removed and sent to a company who repaired and posted back all was fixed
fingers crossed someone will be able to help

As ur battery is ok I think ur cluster is at fault , but of course really want someone to double check that for u , they can suffer with dry solder joints at the back and need to be sent away, think they use the company called Totaltronics

plse let us know how u get on as indeed don’t want to send items away without getting 100% proof, just my thoughts

Hi I had this exact same problem exact same symptoms infact was my first problem , researched loads on line and was the instrument cluster , removed and sent to a company who repaired and posted back all was fixed

There is a place by Rochester airport that repairs ECUs and instrument clusters on all makes of vehicles

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