Send me some more details and we'll see

Didn't really want another vehicle as space is an issue but if it's good enough I could give it to my mom
I'm getting quite a lot of interest now with offers of alsorts and bids of cash on so and so day etc. some reply and some just go blank when you ask for more detail lol

I've not even put this on eBay as I thought it "our" sort of thing and not theirs.

I do really need it going as I just don't have room so unless someone is firm with what they want etc. it'll be going to brightwells on Monday, I'll cash the tax in (there's £100) strip the easy protection bits off and the winch and lights and I'm done.

Would rather someone have a new toy but hey ho
Provisionally struck a deal on this - to be confirmed tomorrow

Thanks for all the interest and offers
It was a bloody good deal!

If I hadn't recently moved and therefore still had my large storage barn, it wouldn't have gone anywhere lol!
And there is someone out there currently very happy!!!!!!

Any problems with the genny and the other one is yours!!!!
It really does run well doesn't it Shaun.

I've not had time to sort the carb etc. but it'll be fine. I'll get those other details over to you in the next day or two, got my mother in hospital at the minute which is now taking up some time.

All the best!

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