
New Member

Just upgraded my transfer case with a cdl from an old TD5 transfer housing. I didn't had originally the CDL installed. :cool:
When I fitted the housing and connected all up, I do used the only availale connector which was free.
Now when I am engaging the CDL then as a result the Gearbox temp warning light is comming up and disengaging the CDL the light goes Off again.(my Disco is a manual one) :confused:
I.e. The switch seems to work only the right warning light it wasn't.

Do you have any idea what I should do and in case I just leave it like it is, does anything happen when I am enaging the CDL ?

Looking forward for you support

obviously you have connected wrong wire ,but wont effect cdl as it is mechganical system switch for cdl is behind were cdl lever comes out of t/box
Must be or a wiring mistake or u didnt find the CDL wiring...anyway even if this is the only plug u find there and the temp warning acts like the CDL light there's no driveability issue. If u have RAVE and know how to read a diagram i can tell u which wire to redirect as to make the CDL lamp to work.
Hi guys,

Thanks for the fast replies.
That sounds promissing.

I do have the RAVE and should be able to read diagramns:)
Long time ago I do learned it and hope so that I didn forgot it :)

If you could point me into the right direction it would help me.

Thx and have a good start to the week

It's quite easy then. Open RAVE - electrical library+ - connector views+ - 0306 (this is the CDL plug, maybe u find it if ) if no joy go to - 0047(or 0223)...now u know which connector it is (C0047/0223).. u just have to swap pin 1 with 39 (be very carefull to identify the proper pins)... job done(as long as the CDL warning LED is working..this one doesnt have self test)

U can check for yourself in Elecrtric circuit diagrams+ - instruments - (3'rd page) at the bottom of instrument pack.
Good luck
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I was able to find in the circuits the connector as you described. Page 121 makes it clear. (47 Instruments)

I searched also for the diff switch and there you can see that the original switch is also connected to the ECU.(35 ABS) Is this now relevant i.e. does the ABS or ETS need an input to behave differently ? Or do I miss read it ?:confused:

Sure I see the approach of the swap from Pin 1 and 39. But just to be sure that I am no mixing up the ECU ;-)

Good start to Tuesday

The ECU doesnt need the input...on the old models with CDL retrofitted this wire is cut to not trigger the 3 amigos.
Short feedback about the CDL rewiring.

I changed at 0223 the pins, but didn't showed any effect. (colour of the cabling was also not according to the diagram) My connector had also a green colour (it is the upper connector from three) . According to the mannual all three connector should be black. The middle connector had all the pins also the right colour at the pins but I didn't tried it :-(


Any idea ?

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