
Active Member
A long story so will cut to the 2004 disco v8 battery was flat after not using the car for a couple of weeks, it jump started no bother and did a long round trip, i then used it the next day no problems, went to go out that afternoon and the key fob on either key (i have both) will not operate central locking, I could manually open locks however on opening a door the alarm would go off. Managed to get my eka code to start it, i also changed the battery for a big leisure 110Ah one.
Is there a way to re sync the keys or do i need to replace the receiver or something?

I have tried unlocking and locking then pressing key fob and also tried rapidly pressing lock bottom 5 times.
Any help would be great. Cheers

Sounds like your Rf receiver could be duff, it is in front of the rear sunroof under the roof lining. have a look first and see if the earth is corroded.

You can also try drying it out in case it got wet.

Other than that , if you know someone with a nanocom they can check to see if the Key is communicating with the car via Rf receiver or not synced.

Many thanks have started stripping out roof linning will continue tomorrow and Report back.
I dont know anymore with nanocom.

Thanks again
Many thanks have started stripping out roof linning will continue tomorrow and Report back.
I dont know anymore with nanocom.

Thanks again

You do not need to strip out the whole roof lining, IIRC, just take off the rear sunroof finishing strip , take off the sunroof winder handle and it should lower down enough if you are gentle to allow you to get to the receiver. BUT do be gentle with the roof lining.

Unless you are taking out the roof lining to fix a leak, in whcihc case carry on , LOL.

Leak should be fixed thanks to a tube of silicone the sunroofs trays are a terrible design no wonder headlining was wet. I have taken the rf receiver of the roof and will see if drying it out helps.

Is anyone local (glasgow) that has nanocom or similar to see if the keys are comunicating with the bcu?
A wee update: brought rf receiver into house to dry off while i sealed the sunroofs. plugged it back in today and its back to normal. fingers crossed it keeps working. Next thing for me is to get diff lock transfer box and fit
A wee update: brought rf receiver into house to dry off while i sealed the sunroofs. plugged it back in today and its back to normal. fingers crossed it keeps working. Next thing for me is to get diff lock transfer box and fit

Nice...........You may want to think about getting a new receiver , for about £30, it may save you a lot of hassle.

Thanks nelly, it was working intermitintly so i bought a new receiver and have put it in this morning. And still got a leak so will have to take head linning out again at some point and check sunroofs and roofbars
Sounds good, make sure to take the whole sunroof frame out and seal the outside of it to the roof. The seals used are rubbish.


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