
New Member
hi have fault with my power steering when coming up to roundabout, loose power steering.when pulling away comes back.we have changed pump & box,
bleed steering box,used land rover fluid,seemed better after bleeding again,
any tip on bleeding them. or know faults on this
thanks lee:mad:
Hi Lee.

I put a length of pipe on the bleed nipple, cracked it half a turn and ran the engine, turning the wheel from side to side.

Keep an eye for air bubbles in the tube, and when it seems clear, nip up the nipple.

Hi Lee.

I put a length of pipe on the bleed nipple, cracked it half a turn and ran the engine, turning the wheel from side to side.

Keep an eye for air bubbles in the tube, and when it seems clear, nip up the nipple.


try that to today still no better, give car a run today,steering stoped working at all,but give it a good hard rev & it comes back,flushed with new oil,any one had faulty box or pump,gen pump from land rover.steering box came from john craddes,brixpart i think,is there relief valve in pump ,i know there are 2 in steering box.
doing my head in now
Sounds like the fluid is not circulating the system properly.

I,m out of suggestions unfortunately.

I think the steering system is fairly simple, pump, box, reservoir and connecting pipe work.

When I fitted my new box, before I connected the pipes back in to the top of the box, I " forced " the fluid through by putting slight air pressure into the reservoir. ( a bung with a hole in that I put my air duster through ).This got the new fluid flowing well out of the pipes.

I hope someone else can perhaps shed more light on your problem.

Sorry for interupting the tread,

had the suction hose/pipe broken on my Discovery II, left it at the workshop to change it..........It is a tight fit so I thougt 3hours job

they chargerd me 8!

anyone that have done this quicker? the hose had been scratched for a few years against the oilpan.

Thanks for a replay
they really shouldnt need bleeding they should self bleed as long as pipes are clear especially res to pump ,there is no relief valve in box ,either poor pump or box ,pump if it seems not to work at low revs , need a bit more detail

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