
Can anyone help with this problem-it`s driving me nuts! I`ve a Disco 2 auto which was running fine,turned off for 5 mins and wouldn't start-all dash lights on,immoboliser light as normal just nothing at crank position-no click,just silence.. Tinkered for an hour,still nothing then suddenly after doing nothing for 30 mins it started first turn..
Got home then no start for a month-exactly the same scenario.. Finally got time to start looking at her-tried new battery and locking/unlocking,spare key,moving gear shift around on auto box. Nothing .
Took starter off and replaced contacts and plunger in solenoid-bench tested and put back on,charged the battery for an hour just cos I had charger out for another job and she started first click.
Turned off-replaced rear pads and calipers-left overnight-won't start again today.
All dash lights on but nothing when key is turned- no click.
What I can hear though when I switch ignition on is something like the sound a small fan or motor would make coming from the dash area to the right of the steering wheel.
I don't know if this noise has always been there and I haven't noticed or if it's something to do with the problem.
Tested thin wire that goes to starter lucar connector when key at crank position and get nothing.Took a cable from battery positive to lucar connector and engine turns over.Where do i go from here?
Where is the other end of that thin wire and how do i test it for a break and then replace if need be or are there relays and fuses I should check next?
Any help/ advice is appreciated.

Starting from scratch.

The small fan is the interior temp sensor, ignore that.

Are you sure the immobiliser light is not on on the dash?

You say the lucar connector on the starter is not getting 12 Volts when ignition is in crank position, So, do you have the Rave workshop manual download?

Here is the link for rave.

Download Disc 01.
It has full electrical diagram and the fuses / relays. Plus explains how the system works.
But until you do that.
Relay number 2 Engine compartment ( according to this ) is the Starter relay.
Also check Fusible link no 12 as this is the FL for the relay.
It also appears F23 in the passenger compartment is the BCU Starter fuse. But I would check the others first.

Checked relay and all suggested fuses and all fine. Regarding immobiliser light
When locked with fob red light flashes rapidly for 10 seconds then blinks once every 3 seconds.
When unlocked with fob red light goes out and stays out even when key is inserted and turned to crank position. Also when ignition is on I can hear the fuel pump working.
The rave is downloading.
Any more suggestions while I wait for it? Cheers
So when you turn the key to the crank position, do you get 12V at the fuses etc? as you say you are not getting 12V at the starter solenoid.

So when you turn the key to the crank position, do you get 12V at the fuses etc? as you say you are not getting 12V at the starter solenoid.

Just checked and started at the battery-although this is where I initially started-and my battery is reading 11.87v at rest and dropping to 11.64 when key is turned to crank position.
I initially put a new battery on but sent it back when it made no difference.
Could this battery reading be the problem now?
The TD5 does not like a voltage less than 10.5V on cranking.

The first thing i would like to see , If I was checking and the starter is not turning over is where I am getting 12V.
Starting at the lucar connector:
When cranking does the starter solenoid click?
Do I have 12V, If yes then the starter has a problem internally.
If no, then back track the cable via the fuses / relays on the wiring diagram to see if they are getting 12V. If they are getting 12V on one side , but not the other then a fuse / relay is not working as it should.

If there is no 12V to ths fuses / relays at all, then something is not working on the Brains side, check the outputs you should be getting by reading the electriacl diagram and check pin outputs.

Have you checked all the earths there is a block off them on the driver inner wing just upfrom the battery and also check the main earth lead ,
Thanks for the info guys. I checked earth with a multimeter and all seemed fine but will clean them all anyway-is there a main earth strap as well as the block near the battery?
Swapped around a couple of relays but no joy. Tested wire that goes to Lucas on starter and it's good. Tested at engine SM fuse and get 12v but only on one side-tested SM relay and only one pin slot showing 12v. Any ideas where to look next?

I've fitted a wire to the Lucas on starter and brought it up into engine bay so I can start her up by touching the battery positive so at least I can use the car but need to sort properly asap.

Morning 23 Griff,

Have you reviewed the electrical diagrams in the Rave download.?
You would need to identify which one needs to be getting the 12V first before it passes the 12V onto the next part in the circuit.
Also which pin on the relay has 12V

Tested at engine SM fuse and get 12v but only on one side-tested


Hold on, woken up a bit now. Just checking as I may be reading it wrong, but if you get 12V on one side of the SM fuse then you should be getting 12V on the other uless the fuse is broken , have you belled out the fuse? do not rely on a visual check.

Morning Neilly
Pulled out the fuse and checked for continuity and its fine - tested fuse seat contacts and get 12v on one but nothing on the other side - wasn`t sure whether the fuse was a breaker between the two points and both should have 12v or if the fuse carried over the current.

Downloaded the RAVE and am trying to work out how to use it at the moment lol. I did get some wiring diagrams off the net and they helped a bit when tracing the lucar cable to enable me to test it.

as for the relay - if you were looking at the fuse box over the drivers side wing and pulled out the SM relay-I am getting 12 v at the left hand side (9 o clock) pin seat but nothing at the other three.

Many thanks
Just started it to move the car and I`ve got the dreaded 3 amigos AND the parking brake light on-even with the brake off!!
Have had 3 amigos before but never 4 of them??

This is never ending haha.
Ref the Rave,

Go into it, Select Discovery 2.

Third item down is electrical circuit diagram.
Select 2003 Model Year.
Go down to the Power Distribution , Which is the first item , click on the "+" sign.
Click on the third engine compartment page ( which looking at the page number sat the bottom of the screen is page number 9.
IF you really zoom in 800% , then you will see the "pin" numbers and the way the leccy should be working.

For a description of how it works.

Go to "electrical library" on the main Discovery 2 page.
Got o Description and Operation.
Starting and charging TD5
Which is page 85 in this section.

Hi Neilly
I really appreciate all your help-thanks for your time mate!
Gonna go through all of this today.

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