I cannot remember that much Brian,

Only thing I remember about that is chasing the darn thing across the shed floor after dropping it amongst the other detritus on the floor. Sorry.

Thanks for that. What does the ball-bearing do? I am sure it should be sprung but I can't find the spring.
I cannot remember that much Brian,

Only thing I remember about that is chasing the darn thing across the shed floor after dropping it amongst the other detritus on the floor. Sorry.

If I'm not mistaken, the little ball bearing and its associated spring give that "click" feel or detent as you turn the key through each position in the lock barrel.
Hi folks, had barrel serviced by locksmith 2 years ago but sure enough started sticking / not turning. As M'lady drives it I ordered the 'economy' lock from 'island4x4' as previously suggested & pretty much followed 'disco moaners' clear instructions to the letter. OK we have 2 keys now but at least M'lady knows it's going to start. My reason for writing this is to encourage people to have a go, I am a technical numpty so if I can do it ......
Thanks to everyone for their posts.
Cheers jv
Thanks to all who have posted on this. Both my keys have needed jiggling for a while...then yesterday neither would turn. Eventually one did and I got home, resolving to sort things today. Undid the 2 little crosshead screws and took off the ignition switch so I could turn it with a screwdriver...but checked the barrel. It turned perfectly. Put it all back and it works fine.
Just wish I knew why

;) Any ideas? Apart from carry the tools in case it acts up again:)
Thanks to all who have posted on this. Both my keys have needed jiggling for a while...then yesterday neither would turn. Eventually one did and I got home, resolving to sort things today. Undid the 2 little crosshead screws and took off the ignition switch so I could turn it with a screwdriver...but checked the barrel. It turned perfectly. Put it all back and it works fine.
Just wish I knew why

;) Any ideas? Apart from carry the tools in case it acts up again:)

Possibly just some gunge in on of the sliders stopping it moving and stopping the whole thing turning ...

Use Lock Lube or crushed graphite pencil lead ...

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