
Well-Known Member
hi guys does anyone know where I can get headlining fabric from for my disco 2? Most places only sell fabric 1.5m wide and I reckon on needing 1.7m wide x 3m, iv emailed 2 online companies, one says non in stock and the other never replied, tried twice so guessing they don’t reply or are closed but nothing on there site says closed, would just like to sort my headlining out with this virus thing giving me time to do it. Cheers.
That’s who iv tried twice to contact, didn’t know if I could post the company name but yea had no luck with them, shame Realy as it’s a convenient kit, fabric, glue etc right dimensions all delivered to door.
As you say, nothing on the site other than orders may be delayed.
Pity as they are very good - I had one of their kits when I did the HL on my RRC. Be aware that their glue grabs instantly & no adjustment is possible so best done with a helper to hold the material up as you smooth it down into contact.
Woolies don't list material that wide:
Just had a look there, they sell the wool headlining fabric at 179 cm wide so wide enough but works out £120, bit steep compared to nylon stuff. Gonna ring a firm not far from me who do trimming and see if they have any they can sell or know where I can get wide enough fabric.
A place I used to work at many years ago called boundary car care in St. Helens Merseyside did Headliner material and fitting.