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Has anyone successfully taken these apart? I've been fiddling for hours with one of mine and I can't see how they come apart, if indeed they do. I want to get at the levelling motors to see if I can fix them. Mine seemingly didn't work on my project Disco but I managed to get them to work for a short time this afternoon but they got slower with each operation until they stopped working again.
Has anyone successfully taken these apart? I've been fiddling for hours with one of mine and I can't see how they come apart, if indeed they do. I want to get at the levelling motors to see if I can fix them. Mine seemingly didn't work on my project Disco but I managed to get them to work for a short time this afternoon but they got slower with each operation until they stopped working again.
I tried and failed, to do that on my Disco 1's. They are basically not designed to be easily taken apart. so maybe yours are the same. As with most of this stuff, decent contacts and a lube job is about all you'll be able to do I expect. :(
The motors are inside the light unit so to do anything with them I'd need to open them up. Given the ridiculous price of 2nd hand units, never mind new, I was hoping to be able to fix them.
I took the expensive route to do it, but you could try a low oven to loosen the glues, around 60 degree or so.

Or a hot air plastic welder on the seam.
Thought I'd update this thread with a bit of info for anyone interested.

It can be done but it breaks things. Having managed to prise apart a knackered unit I can see from how things are assembled inside that it was never meant to be taken apart again. The levelling motor was completely inaccessible behind the lens. To get the lens out required force enough to flex and crack it and it also pulled the threaded adjuster out of the motor unit.

Good effort but I'm glad I own a non facelift D2 & would never entertain upgrading it to look like a 'facelift model even if the lights were a tenner each (as they've probably been pinched out of some poor sods D2:mad:.
On another note my facelift FL1 has the same thing with the motors bonded in the H/L whilst for the pre facelift ones the motors are available separate (which is the way it should be). Good luck with this.
I did end up biting the bullet and buying a 2nd hand pair. If I need to replace them in future I'll be reverting to pre-facelift headlights or mounting an off the shelf round headlight inside the case.
I did end up biting the bullet and buying a 2nd hand pair. If I need to replace them in future I'll be reverting to pre-facelift headlights or mounting an off the shelf round headlight inside the case.

What did that come to?

I just bit the bullet after seeing second hand ones

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