
New Member
Hi guys hope someone can help,

I have a 1999 TD5 with 158,000 on the clock, This car has run great over the 4 weeks i have had it, today started it with no problems drove 2000 yds and it just died as if it had run out of diesel, no warning lights on dash and its got 1/4 tank showing tried to restart it and it just cranks but wont fire up, called the AA and they put in extra gallon of diesel and tried it again withh the same result, sprayed easystart down air intake and it tried to start but failed to run, his conclusion it has a fuel problem (no s**t i could have told him that), after reading on here tried to purge the system and prime the system but still wont fire up, checked for noise from fuel pump and this is present so assume it to be working, where do i go next????
it just cut out, ie: engine just died like it run out of fuel, no spluttering no warning just cut out
Even though you can hear the fuel pump it may be knackered, it could be pumping fuel up to the engine but not at the required pressure, if the fuel pump is quite loud when priming I would change it.
Did you check the fuses?Mine did the same when i bought it turned out to be a fuse, If fuses ok then as johnlad says get it plugged it, might help if you put in your profile your location someone local may have diagnostics.
would that not throw up the EML??? dont know anyone near me that has landrover diagnostics either, i live in Hyde just outside manchester
When was the fuel filter last changed?
I know they normally cough splutter and just won't rev when the filter is blocked but a new filter is cheap and easy to change.
You have got to start somewhere.

All fuses on drivers side seem good, Pump does'nt seem overly noisy but going to check fuel delivery tomorrow ( its sub zero out there at the mo) going to do the filter tomorrow and check for leaks in the system, just booked diagnostics with an old friend, he's calling round tomorrow afternoon, will keep you all updated, and thanks for the quick response, hope to do the same for someone else some day
Checked injector loom and that seems ok, checked ecu loom ( red plug) contaminated with oil, going to try cleaning them out and keep my fingers crossed, would you say this is most probably the reason it wont start??

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