Who cares if its Can bus or I bus.

I have the same head unit - just use it for listening to the radio, playing CD's etc.

Why you want steering wheel controls?? Something wrong with your arms??
@slob - here's an injoke for you, how about a swoosh of a bone picking action for the postwhores that you and your side kick are? let that swoosh over your bald twins for a head

@G1 you just use it for cassette and cd eh? you must be a pinnacle of acheivements that people look up to, and the way you do things is so amazing, that people always come up to you and say how great you are, like in your sig... you legend you

@rusty - back on topic, is this the headunit you have?
seems the only ones concerned about post counts are rustybucket and his bumchums.

as LZ is run more like a chat room rather than yer usual anal type forum, would you log on to a chat room and and start counting everyones posts and then try and use it as some sort of weapon?
are you saying then that those with fewer posts are of more benefit to forums such as this one? in which case some one that has only ever introduced themselve would be more valued than those that offer advice where they can while having a bit of banter with others on here.

most unusual questions such as yours would just slip down the list and not be seen by many members so you would have little chance of an answer.

but as you and yer mates seem to take offence at the slightest thing yer question thread is now constantly at the top of the pile and being read by more folk therefore increasing the chance of a useful answer

dint you even think about seeing how this particular forum works before you joined? if you did then you would know what to expect, if yer didn't that show how narrow minded you are as regards to how others do things

and yer over estimating yerself if yer think yer hit a nerve, every so often one such as yourself comes along and they all have the same lines. you can tell them from others by their use of set phrases, such as the ones you use.
these phrases and comments are prevalent among folk of limited ability of original thought and are indicative of those with low IQs.

I think it was one of the colleges at cambridge that studied internet use of merry wit and cerebal repartee and they concluded that folk that use the same old tired lines lack any social skills and rely on others to do their thinking for them.
I'm not sure how often you try and use that old one about high post counts but I would recommend that you try and learn some new stuff ? onward and upwards as they say.
@ slob

Well, I'm impressed mate. You've managed to string quite a few coherent sentences together to form an eloquent reply. From your earlier postings you came across as being somewhat challenged on the intelligence front, a bit like a village idiot really but now its seems you just act like that for effect.

I am aware how this forum works and its not that different to any other. However, given the reasonable amount of members on here and the collective expertise you would expect from a forum devoted to one vehicle marque, you would naturally think that someone could have answered my question.

With regards to postcounts, there is no correlation between the amount of an indiviuals posts and their ability to provide useful help or advice. A first time poster can provide an answer to a query, as has happened in this very thread but never posts again. A person with a huge postcount could feasibly contribute very little.

I think the thing you need to remember is that much of the banter in this thread has been pretty much light-hearted hence the use of smilies and the odd picture. Most people have taken that in the spirit it was meant. No-one really likes having their threads trashed with useless content but I did realise early on that stoking up you guys would invoke a response and effectively keep the thread bumped up near the top of the heap.

What I do find funny is that you seemed to get a bit ****y after I posted the 3 Stooges pic. This wasn't aimed at you but was directed at the mad hat man, sirus and mondo. You obviously didn't work that out and came back with less a than light-hearted response. I admit I took advantage of that, prodded you a bit more and you bit :D

As for me using the same lines, maybe, maybe not. I try to be original and fit the reponses to each individual case. I guess there were some new ones on you, like postwhore for instance.

Anyway, your lay psycho analysis attempt is a bit wide of the mark. My plans to further integrate a computer running windows into a car is not something that somene with a low IQ would even attempt.

So, where are we at now? Well, I got a useful answer to my question, you guys now know a bit about me, I know a bit about you guys and I've figured out where the sense of humour failure line is with a member or two.

Happy posting mate ;)
@ slob

What I do find funny is that you seemed to get a bit ****y after I posted the 3 Stooges pic. This wasn't aimed at you but was directed at the mad hat man, sirus and mondo. You obviously didn't work that out and came back with less a than light-hearted response. I admit I took advantage of that, prodded you a bit more and you bit :D


you should remember that wurd for future ref. they you might not jump to the wrong conclusion.
and also ' idiots will try anything outside of their limits, a truly intelligent person know their limits and stays within the bounds of what they can do, whilst striving to expand those limits'

so an idiot could attempt what you are attempting which is not to say that only an idiot would attempt such a task.

attempting something is no measure of a person abilities, if it was i'd be a better guitar player than SRV
@G1 you just use it for cassette and cd eh? you must be a pinnacle of acheivements that people look up to, and the way you do things is so amazing, that people always come up to you and say how great you are, like in your sig... you legend you

Would be interested to see how you would play a cassette on a BE 4765!!

My vehicle is an early freelander so the system was not designed for it. Ie the radio loom does not fit my vehicle loom. I am working on a way of getting it to work as a navigation aid.

As for the knowledge, considering I have never worked for LR or been affiliated in any way I think I know quite a lot about the product.

I have tried to help people out when I know the answer and they have in turn replied with positive comments.
attempting something is no measure of a person abilities, if it was i'd be a better guitar player than SRV
Maybe so, but someone who attempts something having done the research beforehand has a better chance of success. I am in no doubt that I will succeed.

Guitar playing, well that's another new venture for me. I doubt I'll ever be that good at it :(
you'd expect the bump-till-it's answered attitude of how this special forum works to be over now since the thread almost got back on topic. looks like that give-a-****-o-meter's not working.

rusty, according to this thread, your unit talks to the CD changer via mbus, which is a common standard for CD changers. My guess would be that if this the comms between the hu and the changer really are mbus, it's unlikely that the landy is using the ibus, since on all BMW's the CD changer is controlled via the ibus.

that is an assumption so I could be wrong. what's the CD changer in the back?
How far have you got?

Well its all installed, GPS antenna, head unit, Alpine CD changer etc etc. I have loaded the Navigation CD etc, but now need to get a signal from the speedometer (pulse). It was suggested that I connect to an Orange wire in the driver fusebox / footwell area.

Unfortunately after some idiot rear ended my car I am still driving a courtesy vehicle while mine is repaired (now on 13th day). Once my vehicle is back I will try the connection.

I have done a lot of work with the Philips RC959 sat nav / radio systems (fitted a few in discos etc and all woked very well).

I have TOMTOM on my pda so for me its not urgent, but would be easier to just enter a postcode rather than get suction cup, charger, gps module etc all out each time.

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