
Landy lovers, can i instal a cabin handles on pillar A in the cabin? Is so...little instructions and shearing best practices will help a lot.

Would that be cabin as in a log cabin?
I would think that the OP means grab handles on the "A" pillar.
Honestly, I wouldn't think so, well not easily. The plastic is just a trim with a bit of a space behind it. Securing the handles would require some sort of spacers, but because the steelwork behind the trims seems to be a double skin arrangement, fastenings would have to be "one side or blind working". Added to that, the right hand "A" pillar does have quite a large number of wires behind the trim which could be in the way or at risk of damage and there might be wires behind the left side pillar too.
Frankly, I wouldn't bother trying.
So the log cabin handles being a coach screw into a suitably cut tree siding would be far more secure than all that plastic double skin jazz....
Somebody has done it.

I remember reading the post , either on here or on the D2boys club.

He got a side one from a scrappy, can't remember if he cut the mounts from the donor or made his own, but he welded mounts to the A pillar.

Appropriate holes on the plastic trim and he was done.

Definitely here or D2 club, I don't go on any other forums, guy that did it did a very neat job


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